A collection of my EWW widgets all written to work on Wayland with a focus of integration with Hyprland.
A Hyprland themed brightness indicator
- brightnessctl
Add the following window to you main eww.yuck
file and map shortcuts that updates the variable whether it is shown or not
(include "./modules/eww-settings/metric-indicator/eww.yuck")
(defvar show_curbright false)
(defwindow brightness-indicator
:monitor 0
:geometry (
:anchor "center"
:x "0"
:y "0"
:width "0%"
:height "0%"
:stacking "fg"
:exclusive "false"
:focusable "false"
(_metric :value curbright :icon " " :show_indicator show_curbright)
AND! Don't forget to import the eww.scss in you main eww.scss file.
A Hyprland themed volume indicator
- wpctl