A data catalog with data on GitHub

This example showcases a simple data catalog that get its data from a list of GitHub repos that serve as datasets.

A datasets.json file is used to specify which datasets are going to be part of the data catalog.

The application contains an index page, which lists all the datasets specified in the datasets.json file, and users can see more information about each dataset, such as the list of data files in it and the README, by clicking the "info" button on the list.

You can read more about it on the Data catalog with data on GitHub blog post.



Deploy your own

Deploy with Vercel

By clicking on this button, you will be redirected to a page which will allow you to clone the content into your own GitHub/GitLab/Bitbucket account and automatically deploy everything.

How to use


Execute create-next-app to bootstrap the example:

npx create-next-app <app-name> --example https://github.com/datopian/portaljs/tree/main/examples/github-backed-catalog
cd <app-name>

Set environment variables

This project uses the GitHub API, which for anonymous users will cap at 50 requests per hour, so you might want to get a Personal Access Token and add it to a .env file inside the folder like so

GITHUB_PAT=<github token>

Change datasets

You can change the datasets that will be displayed in the data catalog by editing the file datasets.json. Some examples can be found inside this repo.

Run in development mode

Run the app using:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 from your browser. You should see something similar to this:

If click on the info button for a dataset you will see a page similar to this:


Structure of datasets.json

The datasets.json file is simply a list of datasets, below you can see a minimal example of a dataset:

  "owner": "fivethirtyeight",
  "repo": "data",
  "branch": "master",
  "files": ["nba-raptor/historical_RAPTOR_by_player.csv", "nba-raptor/historical_RAPTOR_by_team.csv"],
  "readme": "nba-raptor/README.md"

It has:

  • A owner which is going to be the github repo owner
  • A repo which is going to be the github repo name
  • A branch which is going to be the branch to which we need to get the files and the readme
  • A list of files which is going to be a list of paths with files that you want to show to the world
  • A readme which is going to be the path to your data description, it can also be a subpath eg: example/README.md

You can also add:

  • A description which is useful if you have more than one dataset for each repo, if not provided we are just going to use the repo description
  • A Name which is useful if you want to give your dataset a nice name, if not provided we are going to use the junction of the owner the repo + the path of the README, in the exaple above it will be fivethirtyeight/data/nba-raptor

Extra commands

You can also build the project for production with:

npm run build

And run the production build with:

npm run start