A JS/Electron-based keyboard profile creator for use with LaunchZorro(https://github.com/MikauSchekzen/LaunchZorro).
LaunchZorro(https://github.com/MikauSchekzen/LaunchZorro) Interception Driver(http://www.oblita.com/interception.html)
Click a button on the layout on the bottom half of the window, and then click another button or press a key to rebind the first key to the second. To cancel a rebind, click the Deselect button on the bottom-right.
To create a keymap, click the Add Keymap in the top-center of the window. A new keymap should appear where you can set different binds.
Instead of rebinding a key to another key, you can rebind a key to a keymap instead. Simply click the button corresponding to the key you want to bind to a keymap, and then click one of the keymaps. This is only possible when editing the first keymap on the list.
Bind options
There are some bind options which can alter how a bind works with LaunchZorro.
Labels are purely cosmetic, and help you keep track of binds.
Ctrl, Shift and Alt
Presses and releases these keys with the main target function. Can be automatically set by holding it during a rebind.
Rapidfire presses and releases a key every amount of miliseconds as set in the rapidfire field.
Toggled binds stay down until pressed a second time.
JRA stands for Japanese Run Assist, and pretty much means that binds with this flag are pressed twice in succession on a physical press, to assist with games that require you to double-tap a movement to run.
Mice and LHC selector
These are purely helper functionalities, and show an interactive grid of functions equal what I set on my mice and left-handed controllers. You can change these layouts by editing static/data/buttons.json