
Decentralized marketplace application running on Ethereum network

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ethereum Marketplace DApp

Author : Michael Francis

This repository contains an Ethereum Marketplace DApp. It is a basic code for POC of my project. Users can list items for sale and other users can buy them with Ether. The smart contracts were developed in Solidity using the Truffle framework. The user interface was developed using React

Steps to Install and Run:

(Assuming you've already installed Node.js, ganache-cli and Truffle and enabled MetaMask extension in your browser.)

Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/Mike-64/Farm2Home.git

Change directory to marketplace folder and install all requisite npm packages (as listed in package.json):

cd marketplace
npm install

Compile smart contracts:

truffle compile

This creates the contract artifacts in folder abis.

The contracts folder must be linked to appear under src.

In separate terminal/shell, launch Ganache:


Copy the mnemonic phrase from the Ganache console. Use it to import this account using seed phrase into MetaMask in your browser. Before importing select network Localhost 7545 in MetaMask.

Migrate contracts to ganache:

truffle migrate

To execute smart contract tests:

truffle test

Launch application in development mode on http://localhost:3000:

npm start

Before Launching Application

Make sure to have the metamask enabled and logged into a metamask wallet else the application returns a blank page.