
Projects on Monkeypox (MPX) - data and DataViz

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Projects on Monkeypox (MPX) - data and DataViz

Monkeypox - Summary

View all Countries, Choose any date range, Country, Continent or Global, OCED, EU.

Link to interactive DataViz

Click to view and interact with the report

Monkeypox - Analysis

View all Countries, Choose any date range, Country, Continent or Global, OCED, EU.

Link to interactive DataViz

Click to view and interact with the report


Data on Monkeypox cases of unknown cause is refreshed from this google sheet. The data is collated by a team at global.health, led by Moritz Kraemer.

Categorisation of Countries into Income Groups, OECD, EU is drawn from their latest classifaction present in the World Income Inequality Database (WIID) - UNU-WIDER, World Income Inequality Database (WIID). Version 31 May 2021.


This project seeks to present the available data on the Monkeypox outbreak as easily digested infographics.

The data is presented in an interactive data visualisation tool: Power BI. This allows interactive filtering of the data (e.g. by Geography or Date), and includes multiple pages with varying perspectives.

The dataviz is refreshed by robots, roughly every 2 hours.