SegLungTCGA is a dataset of segmented H&E tissue slides from TCGA lung cancer (lung adenocarcinoma) patients. Each slide is segmented into 87x87 μm colored patches. File names correspond to old TCGA file ids (before 10-2021). To make it possible to match them to the current file ids, a mapping file is provided - it contains TCGA patient id (patient_id column), SegLung file id (seglung_file_id column) and current TCGA file id (tcga_file_id column).

To view original whole slide images, use the following link:<TCGA_FILE_ID>, where <TCGA_FILE_ID> should be replaced by the value from the tcga_file_id column corresponding to your desired seglung_file_id.


  • orange - tumor
  • green - stroma
  • yellow - mixed
  • purple - vessel
  • grey - necrosis
  • navy - lung
  • light blue - immune
  • light pink - bronchi
  • dark grey - background