#Nancy Stack#

##Getting started##

  • Create the handler context and layout

public class HandlerContext
	//add anything in here that you need passed around

public interface IHandler<TMessage, TReply> 
    : NancyStack.Handlers.IHandler<HandlerContext, TMessage, TReply>

  • Initialise your wiring in the bootstrapper

public class Bootstrapper : DefaultNancyBootstrapper
    protected override void ApplicationStartup(Nancy.TinyIoc.TinyIoCContainer container, Nancy.Bootstrapper.IPipelines pipelines)
        this.ConfigureNancyStack(config =>
            config.RegisterHandlers(r => r
                .RegisterHandlerContextFactory(() => new HandlerContext()))

        base.ApplicationStartup(container, pipelines);

  • Create the handler

public class IndexHandler : IHandler<IndexQueryModel, IndexViewModel>
    public IndexViewModel Execute(HandlerContext context, IndexQueryModel message)
        return new IndexViewModel { CurrentTime = DateTime.Now };

public class IndexQueryModel { }

public class IndexViewModel
    public DateTime CurrentTime { get; set; }

  • When creating a module, inherit from NancyStackModule and wire in the constructor using Routes

public class IndexModule : NancyStackModule
    public IndexModule()
            .OnSuccess(x => View["Index", x]);