
Debug API

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Debug API


API made to simplify debugging.


make install
# or
make i

You may uninstall using

make uninstall
# or
make u


Macro Value  Purpose
LOG_FATAL 1 Cannot continue running
LOG_ERROR 2 May continue running, but it'd impact execution
LOG_WARNING 3 Unexpected event. The program can continue running, but the issue shall be solved
LOG_INFO 4 Notable event
LOG_DEBUG 5 Information about execution
LOG_TRACE 6 Show buffer content


Example :

#include <debug/debug.h>

void wonderful() {
	printf_level(LOG_DEBUG, "Something happened"); // Show in any context equal or below DEBUG (5)

void marvelous() {
	printf_level(LOG_WARNING, "Something %s happened", "wrong"); // Show in any context equal or below WARNING (3)

int main() {
	printf_debug("Hello world !"); // Show in any debug context
	printf_level(LOG_ERROR, "Oh damn"); // Show in any context equal or below ERROR (2)


	return 0;

You can build using :

$ gcc example.c -DDEBUG # Enable debug
$ gcc example.c # No debug (optimized)

After what, if you enabled debugging, you shall be able to debug using DEBUG environment variable.

How to use DEBUG

You may specify debug level using associated number (1-6, or *, which actually represents 6) and have debug output with a level higher.

$ DEBUG=4 ./a.out # Show everything higher or equal to LOG_INFO/4
$ DEBUG=* ./a.out # Show everything

You may filter using :, to specify a file or function.

$ DEBUG="*:main*" ./a.out # Show everything, related to files or functions starting by "main" in their name 
$ DEBUG="3:*main" ./a.out # Show only warning and higher, related to files or functions ending by "main" in their name 
$ DEBUG="*:*m*i*" ./a.out # Show everything, related to files or functions having "m" in their name preceded by "i"
$ DEBUG="2:*m*i*" ./a.out # Show only error and higher, related to files or functions having "m" in their name preceded by "i"

If * is not followed by ; nor the NULL byte (end of string), * is understood as a wildcard for the name

# These 2 are equals
$ DEBUG="*:*main" ./a.out
$ DEBUG="*main" ./a.out

Filters may be chained using ; (acting as OR inclusive) :

# Show all errors and higher, and everything when the name CONTAINS "test"
$ DEBUG="2;*wonder*" ./a.out

# Show all fatal errors
#  And everything when the name CONTAINS "wonder"
#  And all INFO events and higher when the name IS "marvelous"
$ DEBUG="1;*wonder*;4:marvelous" ./a.out

No context

To print a string no matter the debug loglevel:

printf_debug("Hello world !");


By default, debug output have spacing. You may disable those with the macro DEBUG_SPACING_FILE, DEBUG_SPACING_FUNCTION and DEBUG_SPACING_LINE. Set these to 0 if you want to spacing. You may like using environment variables, using .env

gcc example.c -DDEBUG -Wall $(sed -E 's/^(.+)/\-D\1/g' .env)

# or


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
