
Custom "New" context submenu

Primary LanguageBatchfile

Custom "New" Menu

A custom "New" submenu on the context menu.

I do a lot of tests/experiments, and I'm tired of creating new files/templates everytime I want to try something. To get around this, I've created a submenu to contain all coding releated files.

For more information, you can check this question that I've asked on SUPER USER.


screenshot of the submenu


You need to copy CustomNew folder to your Windows directory (e.g. C:\Windows). Then run install.reg that's inside the CustomNew folder. If you're familiar with Registry Keys and Batch files, you can modify the submenu to meet your needs.


Is possible to add/remove/change standard files and standard IDE or Editors. Example of template file: I want to add CPP standard file, so first of all we need to edit "SubCommands"="npp;cmd;css;html;html-canvas;html-js;js;php;php-class;htaccess;py;reg;bat;ps1;vbs" and add ;cpp where you want, just remember that the position will be reflected in the context menu. Now is time to create new key, here an example:

@="C++ File"
;You can delete row below if you not desire an icon.
"Icon"="C:\\Program Files\\Notepad++\\notepad++.exe,0"
;Uncomment the line below if you want a separator above the contextmenuitem


Now create cpp.bat in scripts folder and paste it:

@echo off

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

;Below template file, just edit with your kind of file.
set "template=cpp"
set "extension=cpp"
set "def=New Cpp File"

set "name=%def%.%extension%"
set count=1

copy C:\Windows\CustomNew\templates\%template%.%extension% "%cd%"

if not exist "%name%" goto :continue
set /a count+=1
set "name=%def% (%count%).%extension%"
goto :loop

rename "%template%.%extension%" "%name%"

Now go to template folder and create cpp.cpp. Install.reg is now complete, is time to edit uninstall.reg. Edit uninstall.reg and add it at the end:


Finish. Just repeat this procedure with all kind of file you want inside like .cs .hpp .java and other.