
A project aiming to enable the card game of hearts to be played over the internet.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


play the card game hearts, with just some computers with internet connections

Built for python 3.5




  1. Clone or download and extract the repo
  2. Open the src/server/ directory
  3. Run server.py with python 3+ (if you receive errors, use python 3.5 specifically)
  4. Ensure port 3033 is accessible through any gateway/router your server computer is connected to


  1. Open the src/client/ directory from your downloaded repo
  2. Take a copy of client.py and distribute this to all client machines
  3. On each client machine, run client.py with python 3+ (again, python 3.5 if you get errors)
  4. Enter a username, then enter the IP of the server machine (local works if on the same network, global works regardless)
  • Note: you should not add the port on the end, this is handled separately
