#The mkfilter Digital Filter Generation Program (mkfilter vsn. 4.5 and friends)
Cleaned up to compile cleanly on modern (2016) OSx. Source was tested on OSx 10.11 (you will need to install xcode) but should also compile on other Unix variants. Uses Clang (rather than gcc).
For detailed usage see doc.pdf (converted from doc.ps).
- Introduction
mkfilter is a program which designs an infinite impulse response digital filter from parameters specified on the command line. Lowpass, highpass, bandpass and bandstop filters, with Butterworth, Bessel or Chebyshev characteristics, are designed using the bilinear transform or matched z-transform method. For most applications the bilinear transform method is recommended. The program can also design resonators with bandpass, bandstop or allpass characteristics. A companion program, mkshape, designs raised-cosine finite-impulse-response filters and Hilbert transformers. Other programs generate “C” code (in a variety of formats) from the compiled filter specification, and generate various graphs in “gif” format.
The source code of the programs (in C++) is at http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~fisher/software/mkfilter and there is a World Wide Web form-based front end at http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~fisher/mkfilter
The WWW front end is recommended. For most applications, it is the most convenient way to use the mkfilter package.