During my student years at University of Minho, while taking my Master degree in Software Engineering, I gathered around lots of exercises, tutorials, investigation resources and interesting projects.
I finally decided to organize everything in a single repository mapping all the projects. Since some of the course contents are similar over the years, this collection of information may be useful for other students or someone interested in the project's topics.
Because all the code here is student code, don't expect everything to be properly commented, especially in my freshmen years. If you need help through any part or if you need to find out what was the assignment we were supposed to do, your best bet is probably to contact me and I will help you.
PEI: Momenter: Mobile app platform for advertisement and recommendation of any kind of social and cultural events. Main focus on the autonomous recommendation system, able to infer the user social preferences based on the behaviour and interaction with the platform. The developed work and recommendation system is still proprietary for the group. Contact us for more information.
LEI: Physically Based Photorealistic Cloud Rendering: Implementing the state of the art \textit{FrostBite} realistic volume cloud rendering, targeted for real-time gaming scenarios.
Autonomous Systems: Class exercises and tutorials. Main projects: TP1 is a Robocode team. TP2 is an integration of PhidgetRFID, AdaFruit and IFTTT.
Natural Computing: Class exercises and tutorials. Main projects: TP1 is a personal paper regarding neural networks and their capabilities. TP2 is deep learning text analysis experiment based under Twitter posts. TP3 and TP4 provide insights regarding small challenges using Genetic algorithm and Suppor Vector Machines, respectively
Inteligent Agents: Class exercises and projects implemented using Java, Jade, JadeX and Jess for Agent Behaviours. Main project: Reactive and Intelligent Bike-Sharing assistant able to manage and notify the bicycles in user under the delivery and pick up stations.
Extraction and Learning of Knownledge: Class exercises. Main projects: a paper about genetic algorithms, reinforcement learning and support vector machines. Knowledge extraction techniques analysis using Weka.
Data Mining: Class exercises and scrips developed under Weka framework.
Lighting and visualization I: Class exercises and tutorials made in glsl. Main project: Implementation of non-photorealistic shader filters.
Lighting and visualization II: Class exercises and scrips made in C++ and targeted for Embree builds. Physical Based lighting techniques study. Main project: Implementating image based lighting under Embree: performance analasys.
Computer Vision: Class exercises and tutorials implemented using Python and numpy. Main project: Retina Blood Vessels image segmentation using image processing and Suppor Vector Machines, based on the work of Elisa Ricci and Renzo Perfetti .
Medical Image: Detection and Segmentation of necrose regions over medical foot image records; Medicine drugs classification using convolutional neural networks, similar to the project proposed by the 1k Pharmaceutical Pill Image Dataset Kraggle Challenge.
Cartography: Automatic Street Segmentation based on QGis Satelite Rasters and different sensor information.
Databases: Class exercises and scrips made in MySQL. Main project: modelling and building a database for a train reservation company. Done both in MySQL and Neo4J.
Software Systems Development: Class scrips made in Java. Main project: Modelling and developing an app aimed to split bills.
Deterministic Methods and Stochastic Models for Operational Research (MDIO and MEIO) | Numerical Methods for Linear and non-linear Optimization (MNOL) | : Class material mostly implemented under MatLab and Linnear programming LP Solver
Distributed Systems: Class material implementing the course concepts under Java objects. Main project: Selling auction platform.
Computer Communications: Class material and exercices. Main project: Reverse proxy implementation using UDP and TCP protocols.
Computer Graphics: Class material and exercises. Main project: 3D Solar System modulation, with lighting, textures and small real-time animations of the objects. Done using Glut and OpenGL. There is also an alien ship as an easter egg! Find it!
Language Processing: Class materials and exercises, mostly done using Flex and Gawk scrips. Main project: Developing a small language compiler, able to "debug", compile and run the provided code samples under a stack-based instruction set VM.
Knowledge and Reasoning Representation Systems: Class material and exercises mostly made under Prolog, for knowledge representation.
Software Labs IV : Semester main project: Modelling and developing an app for Restaurant recommendation, based on the user experience and preferences.
Object Oriented Programming: Class exercises and scrips done in Java. Main project: ImOObiliária - Estate auction app.
Operating Systems: Class exercises and scrips developed in pure C. Main project: A tool for secure backup using systems calls and methods.