
64x48 Gfx Lib For ZX Spectrum 128KB

Primary LanguageAssemblyMIT LicenseMIT


Ringo-8 is a 64x48 Graphics Library For ZX Spectrum 128KB based on my render engine from Ringo

Quick Start

Grab sjasmplus from z00m128 https://github.com/z00m128/sjasmplus, download Ringo-8 sources, put sjasmplus.exe in the right sample folder and compile main.asm


Ringo-8 Render works in two frames, so you have two bottom borders time (~12000 tStates) for game logic. Check samples for details.

You can imagine that your speccy is a fantasy console running at 25FPS with Z80 limited to ~24000 tStates and have TileSpriteUnit


Screen resolution is 64x48 with 8 bright colors from Speccy palette. The display is composed of two layers: TileMap Layer and Sprites Layer


Default Tilemap size is 32x16 and can be changed with tileMapWidth and tileMapHeight compiler variables.

Tilemap support up to 128 unique tiles. There is a special Tiles Loookup Table which contains information what Tile from TileSet to draw for Tile. It's useful for fast tiles animations. Check SIMPLE_TILE_ANIMATION sample for details.

There is also support for 256 Tiles Mode, but availabled memory only for 186. It's possible to reduce tile memory size but this breaks cheap vertical tiles animation and vertical parallax become a harder. Check TILE_256_MODE sample for details.

TileMap can be scrolled in the X and Y direction by changing a variables tileMapScroll_V and tileMapScroll_H

TileSet stores a image with Tiles, use TilesConvertor to convert from Png file to engine format.


Sprite Layer draws on top of tiles layer

Eight Big Sprites 11x12 and Sixteen Small Sprites 5x5

Big sprites support auto animation, you need to specify a MAX_FRAME and ANIM_SPEED variables with predefined speeds and max frame constants. Check SPRITE_ANIMATION sample for details.

There is a 3 sprite modes supported:

MODE 0 - all small sprites ABOVE big sprites

MODE 1 - all small sprites BELOW big sprites

MODE 2 - 8 small sprites BELOW big sprites and 8 small sprites ABOVE big sprites

Sprites mode can be changed via SPRITE_MODE compiler variable

Check SPRITE_MODES sample for details

Use SpritesConvertor to convert from Png file to engine format, any color that don't match a speccy bright palette will be a transparent.

Memory map

PAGE 0 - SPRITES + FREE - check gfx/resources.a80


PAGE 2 - MAIN CODE + FREE (32768-48830)


PAGE 4 - TILES CODE 1 + FREE - check gfx/resources.a80 for details

PAGE 5 - MAIN CODE + FREE - from 24500-32768

PAGE 6 - TILES CODE 2 + FREE - check gfx/resources.a80


Please use swapPage function from engine core, check PAGED_CODE sample for details


Engine Core - Denis Grachev (rook^retrosouls^sibkrew)

Render Optimizations - Mikhail Vostrikov (monster^sage)

Sprites Optimizations - Aleksey Pichugin (spke^lom), Mikhail Vostrikov (monster^sage)

Delay Routine - Jan Bobrowski

TapeLib by Slavo Labsky (busy)

Tested with sjasmplus v1.20.1 from z00m128 https://github.com/z00m128/sjasmplus