
Utility for FIRST, FOLLOW, PREDICT set generation aiding in custom programming language creation

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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A small tool for calculating first, follow and predict sets for the grammar. Its size is only 390 bytes (minified and gzipped). No dependencies. Size Limit controls the size.


$ npm install first-follow


You can try this tool here.


const firstFollow = require('first-follow');

const rules = [
  // S -> a b A
    left: 'S',
    right: ['a', 'b', 'A']

  // A -> b c
    left: 'A',
    right: ['b', 'c']

  // A -> ε
    left: 'A',
    right: [null]

const { firstSets, followSets, predictSets } = firstFollow(rules);

 *  // S: a
 *  // A: b, ε
 *  {
 *    S: ['a'],
 *    A: ['b', null]
 *  }

 *  // S: ┤
 *  // A: ┤
 *  {
 *    S: ['\u0000'],
 *    A: ['\u0000']
 *  }

 *  // 1: a
 *  // 2: b
 *  // 3: ┤
 *  {
 *    '1': ['a'],
 *    '2': ['b'],
 *    '3': ['\u0000']
 *  }



The grammar is represented by array of objects. Each object describes the only one rule. The rule's object contains two required fields:

  • left — specifies the left part of the rule. A single nonterminal: A, B, Program, Expression, etc.
  • right — specifies the right part of the rule. It contains terminals and nonterminals or empty chain (epsilon): A + B, d * A, ε, etc.


  • The firstSets object's keys are nonterminals and values are first sets for these nonterminals.
  • The followSets object's keys are nonterminals and values are follow sets for these nonterminals.
  • The predictSets object's keys are rules numbers (starting from 1) and values are predict sets for these rules.


  • An empty chain (ε) is represented by null.
  • An end mark () is represented by \u0000.