Bootstrap/Backbone view for displaying notifications
var note = require('Bootstrap-Backbone-Notification');
new note({
'header': 'This is a header',
'message': 'This is the message',
'type': 'info'
The header of the error. Title if you will
The body of the notification.
The type of notification you would like. Colors are in line with Bootstrap's default colors.
Type: `String`
Default: `info`
Valid values: `info|success|warning|error`
If you have an animation class you would like to use.
Type: `String`
Default: ``
If you have an animation you would like to use for when the message is dismissed
Type: `String`
Default: ``
The speed at which the animation class runs. fast === 300ms normal === 500ms slow === 1000ms
Type: `String`
Default: `fast`
Valid values: `fast|normal|slow`