Setup work tree separate from git dir

See example


  • On z/OS, make the directory where you want your repo, e.g. mkdir sysmod
  • Initialize your git repo, specifying your work tree directory:
mkdir sysmod
git --git-dir sysmod/.git --work-tree /dsfs/txt/SYS1 init
  • On z/OS, set up your info/attributes to mark files as EBCDIC


text zos-working-tree-encoding=IBM-1047
  • If you want to only check in some files under git control, use info/exclude (but not .gitignore), e.g.



will indicate that only the 4 files, f1.txt, f2.txt, f3.txt should be git managed.

  • On z/OS, specify where to push your code to:
git remote add origin
git branch -M main
git push -u origin main