The Build code you run will be dependent on the type of AWS Log you wish to run through GoAccess. As of now building this Docker container will generate a static GoAccess report and upload it to an S3 bucket of your choice.
AWS stores seemingly similar logs in different formats so please see the examples below for the build example that is appropriate for you.
Tip: create a notes file of your arguments to make future reports faster.
##Log Formats
Your log files will be stored in the following location, note, you can get your environment ID by going to your Elastic Beanstalk Dashboard, the ID will be at the top and formatted "e-[a-z0-9]+"
After you are logging requests you will need to setup a bucket to record the results of GoAccess, in this example I am using "go-access-reports"
docker build -t go-access . \
--build-arg aws_access_key_id=XXX \
--build-arg aws_secret_access_key=XXX \
--build-arg region=us-east-1 \
--build-arg s3_log_location='s3://elasticbeanstalk-us-east-1-XXX/resources/environments/logs/publish/e-XXX/' \
--build-arg RUN_EB=true \
--build-arg output_bucket='go-access-reports' \
--build-arg cache_breaker=123
Unlike Elastic Beanstalk logs you will specify where your logs are stored.
- Goto your EC2 Dashboard
- Click Load Balancers
- Select the Load Balancer you wish to log
- Under Attributes set your location
Fill in the following blanks and run this command.
docker build -t go-access . \
--build-arg aws_access_key_id=XXX \
--build-arg aws_secret_access_key=XXX \
--build-arg region=us-east-1 \
--build-arg s3_log_location='s3://{YOU_CHOOSE}/{THIS}/AWSLogs/{accountNumber}/elasticloadbalancing/us-east-1/' \
--build-arg RUN_LB=true \
--build-arg output_bucket='go-access-reports' \
--build-arg cache_breaker=123
Notice the second to last argument is output_bucket, the results of GoAccess will be stored there. If you wish you can comment this out in Dockerfile and use the following to fetch the file from your Docker Container.
Get the Container ID with docker ps then copy the file
docker ps
docker cp {containerID}:/root/report.html /{localFolder}/report.html
Install AWS CLI
On your mac
aws configure
chmod 644 ~/.aws/*
Access with your AWS Creds (debugging)
docker run -it --rm -e "HOME=/home" -v $HOME/.aws:/home/.aws go-access /bin/bash
Uncomment line 40 in Dockerfile and provide an S3 bucket/location.
RUN aws s3 cp ~/AWS-access.log s3://{BUCKET}/AWS-access-$(date -d "today" +"%Y%m%d%H%M").log