
[IN DEVELOPMENT] AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Test Framework

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

AOT Testing Framework

This project is a testing framework which could be used in both Otel SDK and AWS Otel Collector repo. It covers multiple AWS platforms as well as multiple language sdk sample apps. It provides a plugin framework for contributors to add integration tests, which will automatically run in the workflows of the AWS Otel Collector Repo. The integration test workflow will generate traffic and send it through the collector to either a mock representing a 3rd party partner or an AWS endpoint.

Before adding a new component into AWS Otel Collector, we require contributors to add related end-to-end test cases.

1. Quick Start

  1. Clone this repo:
git clone git@github.com:aws-observability/aws-otel-test-framework.git
  1. Clone the AWS OpenTelemetry Collector repo:
git clone git@github.com:aws-observability/aws-otel-collector.git
  1. Install Terraform: https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/install-cli

  2. Install Docker compose: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/

  3. Run one of the test cases:

cd aws-otel-test-framework/terraform/mock
terraform init
terraform apply -var="testcase=../testcases/otlp_mock" 
terraform destroy

What does the test do?

  1. Builds collector image from the directory ../aws-otel-collector
  2. Runs the collector, sample app, and mock server in docker.
  3. Validates if the mock server receives data from collector.

2. How to add a new test case?

2.1 Define test case

We define all the test cases under the testcase directory, and each sub folder will be treated as a test case.

You will need to create a sub folder under the testcase directory, and place your configuration into it. Typically, you will need to place files as following (please use the same filenames as below):

  1. otconfig.tpl: which contains the new component, will be used as the config in all types of e2etests.
  2. [optional] parameters.tfvars: you can override the default parameters in the framework with adding -var-file=../testcases/yourtestcase/parameters.tfvars to the terraform command. The parameters you can override.

2.1.1 Add a test case for a new exporter/processor

An example for emfexporter

otconfig.tpl is the only thing you need, using the placeholder ${mock_endpoint} will let collector to send data to a mock server in the testing framework.

If you want to do real backend data validation that having validator to fetch data from backend to validate, the testing framework is also capable to do it. please discuss with us.

2.1.2 Add a test case for a new receiver

An example for xrayreceiver

To add a new receiver, there are two requirements:

  1. you will need to develop a new sample app which could send data to the new receiver. check here for how to write a sample app
  2. add a otconfig.tpl under the testcase folder.

2.1.3 Single Pipeline

We require every test case only cover one pipeline [one receiver to one exporter], so that the test case could be used to run soaking test.

2.2 Link test case

In the PR you create in AWS Otel Collector to build the new component, link your testcase.

When you link your testcase, there are six types of testing platforms you can choose from:

  • LOCAL, which will run the test in the pr workflow.
  • EC2, which will run the test in the main branch workflow under an ec2 instance.
  • ECS, which will run the test in the main branch workflow under an ecs cluster.
  • EKS, which will run the test in the main branch workflow under an eks/k8s cluster.
  • SOAKING, which will run every night, and perform high throughput to your test case and monitor the resource usages.
  • NEG-SOAKING, which will run every night, and perform high throughput to your test case with false endpoint and monitor the resource usages.

Typically, we require the new components to be tested on types. If you find that the current test case options can't fulfill your testing requirement, feel free to open an issue for further discussion.

3. Run test cases in AWS platform

The commands in Quick Start are used to run the test cases in containers locally. In the case that you want to debug for a certain platform, you can also use this testing framework to run your test case locally in multiple AWS platforms including EC2, ECS, and EKS.

3.1 Prerequisite

3.1.1 Setup your aws credentials

Refer to: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-files.html

3.1.2 Run Setup

Setup only needs to be run once, it creates:

  1. one iam role
  2. one vpc
  3. one security group
  4. two ecr repos, one for sample apps, one for mocked server


cd terraform/setup && terraform init && terraform apply

And Run

cd terraform/imagebuild && terraform init && terraform apply

this task will build and push the sample apps and mocked server images to the ecr repos, so that the following test could use them.

Remember, if you have changes on sample apps or the mocked server, you need to rerun this imagebuild task.

3.1.3 Build Image

Please follow https://github.com/aws-observability/aws-otel-collector/blob/main/docs/developers/build-docker.md to build your image with the new component, and push this image to dockerhub, record the image link, which will be used in your testing.

3.2 Run in ECS

cd terraform/ecs && terraform init && terraform apply \
    -var="aoc_image_repo={{the docker image repo name you just pushed}}" \
    -var="aoc_version={{ the docker image tag name}}" \
    -var="testcase=../testcases/{{your test case folder name}}" \
    -var-file="../testcases/{{your test case folder name}}/parameters.tfvars"

Don't forget to clean up your resources:

terraform destroy

3.3 Run in EKS

Prerequisite: you are required to create an EKS cluster in your account

cd terraform/eks && terraform init && terraform apply \
    -var="eks_cluster_name={the eks cluster name in your account}" \
    -var="aoc_version={{ the docker image tag name}}" \
    -var="aoc_image_repo={{the docker image you just pushed}}" \
    -var="testcase=../testcases/{{your test case folder name}}" \
    -var-file="../testcases/{{your test case folder name}}/parameters.tfvars"

Don't forget to clean up your resources:

terraform destroy

3.4 Run in EC2 [TBD]

4. Contributing

We have collected notes on how to contribute to this project in CONTRIBUTING.md.

5. Security

See CONTRIBUTING for more information.

6. License

This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.