- 0
Inconsistency in Floating-point to Fixed-point Conversion Across Different Platforms
#69 opened by justinzhuguangwen - 9
Use types larger than 32bit
#57 opened by GMellar - 2
- 1
static constexpr on local variables
#64 opened by grimaldini - 1
Include a link in your docs to this GitHub
#58 opened by walchko - 1
Docs bug? Signed vs Unsigned integer types
#60 opened by jwdevel - 3
- 2
Signed lowest value may cause stack overflow
#31 opened by UFOylzj - 0
Docs: mention rounding mode(s)?
#61 opened by jwdevel - 3
- 3
Is there a way to initialize a fpm value from the string expression of a float number?
#54 opened by rockingdice - 2
std::numeric_limits<fp>::min() vs. lowest()
#56 opened by Klummel69 - 1
Cannot result in a constant expression errors
#52 opened by vladipus - 0
Support fraction-only unsigned numbers
#51 opened by Elgot - 3
Feature Proposal: optionally disable rounding
#48 opened by BigBadBoris - 3
Please allow to use the external libfixmath
#45 opened by yurivict - 8
FeatReq: Overflow Detection
#13 opened by Klummel69 - 0
std::numeric_limits<>::has_denorm shall be of type float_denorm_style, not bool
#43 opened by pavel-kirienko - 5
Support for Shift Operators
#42 opened by dismine - 2
- 6
Conversion of max() and lowest() to float
#33 opened by ahooper - 6
Avoid using floating point arithmetic to compute static_cast<double>(fpm::fixed_16_16)
#39 opened by m-carrasco - 1
How to convert from fixed to float or int?
#38 opened by enterthekiwi - 2
Provide a way to serialize fpm::fixed
#37 opened by Eren121 - 1
- 2
Conversion between different fixed types
#29 opened by mathieu-salzmann - 1
switch to disable intrinsic functions
#28 opened by Klummel69 - 2
non-constexpr function 'round'
#26 opened by Klummel69 - 1
- 2
- 5
#21 opened by NikitaMishin - 2
- 10
- 0
Assertion on output with m_value = -2147483648
#14 opened by Klummel69 - 0 : range of -32768 to 65535
#15 opened by Klummel69 - 1
include\fpm\ios.hpp only works from C++14
#11 opened by Klummel69 - 4
- 1
- 3
Does this library support fixed_48_16 ?
#5 opened by halx99 - 3
Make release for library
#3 opened by zamazan4ik - 2
- 0
Implement to_chars and from_chars
#2 opened by MikeLankamp