- 7
Remove current behavior of `Big(undefined)`
#220 opened by fisker - 1
Typescript Question on subclass extension for different DP/RM/NE configs per subclass
#219 opened by capttrousers - 1
Round up returns wrong number
#218 opened by takihama - 2
please tag latest release 6.2.2
#216 opened by gesslinger - 0
🏁 RoSctober 2024: The Open Source Developer Challenge is about to start
#214 opened by race-of-sloths - 0
Publish to
#215 opened by Bomper - 1
sqrt() will fail if Big.strict is set to true
#212 opened by wangkimcheung - 1
comperation between two numbers, getting wrong
#211 opened by dht20 - 1
Nullish input of Big constructor results in Error
#203 opened by zerosrat - 2
- 1
Provide npm minified distribution files
#176 opened by cdalexndr - 1
Rounding issue
#196 opened by JcDenton86 - 3
Precision issue with big.js
#197 opened by harshrathi-probo - 1
Add the toSignificantDigits method
#205 opened by teemo9163 - 0
Ecma TC39 decimal proposal feedback?
#207 opened by jessealama - 1
Webpack type error angular
#206 opened by Miedziaq - 1
Can Big.js return Infinity when divide 0?
#204 opened by SharkBaby - 1
typo in license filename
#201 opened by lotusorrose - 2
Queries for big.js and bignumber.js
#199 opened by paritosh64ce - 2
Support for Comparision operators
#198 opened by paritosh64ce - 13
big.js is a CommonJS dependency
#170 opened by kbeelman - 1
How to get rid of decimal places of a number?
#194 opened by manuel - 1
rounding 9.9 gives improper coefficient
#191 opened by lx-0 - 5
Feature request: .negate() operator to flip the sign
#177 opened by anders8 - 2
Add inspector formatting
#173 opened by Darkhogg - 2
Array is partially allowed as a BigSource
#163 opened by ulexxander - 1
- 2
Uncaught ReferenceError: Big is not defined
#183 opened by amjad756 - 1
Circular dependency leads to error when recursively accessing enumerable properties
#184 opened by OleksandrZaturskyi - 1
[Feature Request] Static properties for Comparisons
#185 opened by intellix - 2
- 2
Performance of pow function
#187 opened by richmondp - 3
Trying to get in touch regarding a security issue
#178 opened by JamieSlome - 5
can we have big number truthiness: if(bignumber) ... instead of conversion and then checking
#180 opened by metayash - 1
Documentation generator
#179 opened by mdeckebach - 5
toNumber error
#175 opened by Ex-Caliburn - 2
Add bit operators
#174 opened by FranklinWaller - 3
Big.js gives Error(INVALID + 'number'); for new Big(Infinity), in strict mode false
#171 opened by balamurugansd - 2
- 2
- 5
Add method?
#159 opened by janzenz - 3
Add a `Big.nullable(value)` method
#155 opened by sparebytes - 3
Possible rounding errors
#168 opened by gonzus - 1
Latest documentation is missing rounding mode in `toExponential`, `toFixed` and `toPrecision`
#165 opened by message - 1
- 2
Factorial numbers
#162 opened by mazunki - 1
Cannot get correct result when giving a number
#160 opened by sofiaps - 2
Support for util.inspect() via [util.inspect.custom] (feature request) (node.js)
#164 opened by anders8 - 1
Can the toString method support base conversions?
#158 opened by Mrcxt - 0
Can the toString method support base conversions?
#157 opened by Mrcxt