
GB Bargraph Sequence Library for Arduino based Proton Packs

Primary LanguageC++

Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License Twitter


28 Segment Bargraph Library for Arduino Proton Packs

This is for anyone who wants to add a more movie accurate bargraph to their Arduino projects.

Table of Contents

About The Project


My original Spirit Halloween project was based on Eric Banker's (CountDeMonet's) 15 segment bargraph but I wanted something a bit more movie accurate. Seeing how there was no source online I decided to write my own library and share it to the GB community.

Getting Started

Build Requirements:

  • HT16K33 Library (Included)
  • 1 - 28 Segment Bargraph - Found on Ebay (Supplier BarMeter.com)
  • 1 - HT16K33 Breakout Board (Or Alternative)

GB_Bargraph_Sequence Library Functions

initiateVariables(uint8_t BGMODE);              - Initiate Variables based on mode
changeInterval(uint8_t NewInterval);            - Change the bargraph speed 
sequenceFire1(unsigned long currentMillis);     - Fire 1 Sequence
sequenceFire2(unsigned long currentMillis);     - Fire 2 Sequence
sequenceStart(unsigned long currentMillis);     - Wand Only on
sequencePackOn(unsigned long currentMillis);    - Normal Pack on Sequence
sequenceVent(unsigned long currentMillis);      - Vent Sequence
clearLEDs();                                    - Clear all the LEDs
sequenceShutdown(unsigned long currentMillis);  - Shutdown Sequence

Circuit Pinouts:

Arduino to the HT16k33 Breakout Board

SCL ----- A5
SDA ----- A4

Bargraph to the HT16k33 Breakout Board

5V 	    to 	VDD
GND 	  to 	GND
Pin 21	to 	C0
Pin 15 	to 	C1
Pin 13 	to 	C2
Pin 16 	to 	C3
Pin 22 	to	A0
Pin 1 	to	A1
Pin 19 	to	A2
Pin 18 	to	A3
Pin 7 	to	A4
Pin 10 	to	A5
Pin 11 	to	A6    


Bargraph Pinout


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Mike Simone - @mikesimone3

Project Link: https://github.com/MikeS11/GB_Bargraph_Sequence