
GD-374: mock class with function has enum return value spams warnings ` Integer used when an enum value is expected. If this is intended cast the integer to the enum type.`

Closed this issue · 0 comments

The used GdUnit4 version

4.2.3 (Pre Release/Master branch)

The used Godot version

v4.2.1.stable.official [b09f793f5]

Operating System


Describe the bug

When running GdUnitMockerTest is spams a lot of warnings

W 0:00:01:0818   Integer used when an enum value is expected. If this is intended cast the integer to the enum type.


Steps to Reproduce

run res://addons/gdUnit4/test/mocker/GdUnitMockerTest.gd test test_mock_custom_class_func_return_type_internal_class_enum

Minimal reproduction project

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