
🎉A verification code input

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


Live demo


npm install --save react-verification-code-input


import React from 'react';

import ReactCodeInput from 'react-verification-code-input';

const Example = () => <ReactCodeInput />;


Key Type Default value Desc
type 'text' | 'number' 'number' one of 'number' or 'text'
fields number 6 The count of characters
onChange (val: string) => void undefined Trigger on character change
onComplete (val: string) => void undefined Trigger on all character inputs
autoFocus boolean true auto focus first input on init
title string undefined code input title
loading boolean '' show loading flag
className string undefined wrapper class name
values string | string[] undefined default values
placeholder string | string[] [] input placeholder. If string, the one placeholder will be added to all inputs
inputClassNames string | string[] [] input classnames. If string, the one class will be added to all inputs
disabled boolean false disables all inputs
required boolean false sets all inputs to be required
id string undefined adds id prefix to all inputs. If id is not defined, id of each input won't be defined either
loadingComponent JSX.Element Loader custom loader component


You can add ref to ReactCodeInput component to get access to methods

Method Description
clearValues Will clear all inputs
import React from 'react';

import ReactCodeInput from 'react-verification-code-input';

const Example = () => {
  const codeInput = useRef(null);

  return (
      <button type="button" onClick={() => codeInput.current.clearValues()}>
        Clean code input
      <ReactCodeInput ref={codeInput} />


MIT © suweya