
A babel plugin for react-native-config to avoid clean/rebuild for javascript config changes

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The react-native-config project is great! Sadly, but appropriately, it doesn't hot-reload config variable changes unless you do a clean and rebuild, which can take minutes. Minutes!

This babel plugin is a layer on top of react-native-config that allows you to get hot reloading. It works by bypassing the Config module entirely, and transpiling the configvars for faster development.

I.e., it turns this:

import Config from 'react-native-config';

var API_URL = Config.API_URL || 'api.my-default-url.com';
var WWW_URL = Config.WWW_URL || 'my-default-web-url.biz';
var FONT = Config.FONT || 'Helvetica';
var ENABLE_FUN = Boolean(Config.ENABLE_FUN);  // undefined

With the following .env:


into this

import Config from 'react-native-config';

var API_URL = 'foo' || 'api.my-default-url.com';
var WWW_URL = 'bar' || 'my-default-web-url.biz';
var FONT = 'baz' || 'Helvetica';
var NAVBAR_HEIGHT = '65' || 64;
var ENABLE_FUN = Boolean(undefined);  // undefined


I will run through the setup of this plugin in a fresh React Native project using React Native 0.41.2.

react-native init TestPlugin
cd TestPlugin
npm install --save react-native-config
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-react-native-config

Create .env with


And update .babelrc to have

  "presets": [
  "env": {
    "development": {
      "plugins": [
         ["babel-plugin-react-native-config", { envfile: ".env" }]

Note that the envfile config option is a problem because the filesystem lookup is relative to the working directory of the react-native package manager, which can be different depending on your setup. For example, when running react-native run-ios, the packager runs in node_modules/react-native/packager, which seems like a bad design decision to me, but I don't work for an organization bent on world domination, so what do I know? If you run the packager manually, i.e. via react-native start (which is the only way to get command line flags into the packager), the working directory will be different.

So after all that tofu, this plugin will start by looking for the envfile in the current working directory, whatever that is. If it's not found, it will recursively look in parent directories until either

  1. The root of the filesystem is reached.
  2. A directory containing .babelrc is found.
  3. A file containing envfile is found.

You can override the envfile config by setting ENVFILE in the environment of the process running babel.

Now modify index.ios.js to include

import Config from 'react-native-config';


export default class TestPlugin extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
        <Text style={styles.welcome}>
          Welcome to React Native!
        <Text style={styles.instructions}>
          API_URL = { Config.API_URL }

And then run react-native run-ios to see hello show up in the simulator.

Now change the variable in .env, and refresh the code. Uh oh! It didn't change! This is because the react-packager only watches for javascript code changes before re-transpiling. Until I can figure out a principled way to re-transpile when a specific file changes, you have to change both .env and the file that imports react-native-config. Adding or removing a blank line will do the trick.


As of now the tests are manual, because this project is still a work in progress. To test, run babel manually, or use one of my provided test source files in tests. If unit testing in javascript weren't so awful, I'd consider writing automated tests. But as it stands this is the simplest and clearest way to see what the plugin actually does to code. If you disagree, we can take it outside.

babel --plugins "../index.js" tests/test3.js -o tests/test3.out.js