
rescript implementation of a reactive library, inspired by "react" in OCaml

Primary LanguageReScriptMIT LicenseMIT

A ReScript functional reactive library, inspired by React (not React.js) and RxJS library

Published in NPM as @mikeskoe/rex

The library is in development, so it is not yet ready for production


  • Observable: is a way to compose events over time. It has type t<'a, 'b>, where 'a is input event and 'b is an output event

  • Event: represents a discrete, instantaneous occurrence. You can think of it as an action in Redux

  • Subscription: cancallable effect on an observable's event


module Counter = {
    type action = Increment(int) | Reset;

    type state = int;

    let empty: state = 0;

    let reduce = (state: state, action: action) =>
        switch action {
            | Increment(shift) => state + shift;
            | Reset => empty;

// t<int, Count.action>
let incr = make(shift => Counter.Increment(shift));
// t<unit, Count.action>
let reset = make(_ => Counter.Reset);
// t<Count.action, Count.state>
let counter =
    either(incr, reset)
    ->reduce(Counter.empty, Counter.reduce)

// unit => unit
let unsub = counter->sub(Js.log);

// ...
// logs: "21" after 100 milliseconds

// ...
// logs: "0" after 100 milliseconds
