
Working SlickGrid for use under Webpack / Babel / ES6

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SlickGrid ES6

This is a clone of the 6pac fork of SlickGrid for some parts and X-SlickGrid for the grid itself


  • Make it easy to consume in Webpack/Babel/ES6 codebases
  • Make dependency consumption implicit and not reliant on globals
  • Attempt to keep things consistent and backwards compatible by exporting onto the global Slick object
  • Speed improvements where possible, move to requestAnimationFrame where makes sense
  • Create adapters for mobx / rxjs as DataViews

Changes as per 0.3.0

  • Added X-SlickGrid to exports, available via Slick.FrozenGrid or import { FrozenGrid as Grid } from 'slickgrid-es6'
  • Added validator support for some editors
  • Fixed plugins yet to be converted

Changes as per 0.2.3

  • moved to using slick.frozen.grid.js from X-SlickGrid for FrozenRows/Columns feature, converted to ES6 and with deprecated jquery-ui
  • Styling fixes, moved to box-sizing: border-box for .slick-cell
  • Updated examples to use React but grid has no dependency on React

Changes completed as per 0.1.1:

The goal is to keep the grid API of the 6pac repository unchanged. Howe

  • converted to ES6
  • dropped IE8 support
  • jquery 3.1.0
  • dropped jquery-ui (replaced with interact.js)
  • dropped event.drag (replaced with interact.js)
  • move to LESS (SCSS soon)


Installing and use

$ npm i slickgrid-es6 --save

In code:

import { Grid, Data, Formatters } from 'slickgrid-es6';
import { options, columns } from './grid-config';

const gridColumns = [{
  id: "%", 
  name: "% Complete", 
  field: "percentComplete", 
  formatter: Formatters.PercentCompleteBar
}, ...columns]; // some column def

const dataView = new Data.DataView();
dataView.setItems([ ... ]); // some data

const grid = new Grid('someid', dataView, columns, options);

To import stylesheets in LESS (for now):

// some vars like @grid-border-color: red;, see slick.grid.variables.less

@import "~slickgrid-es6/dist/slick.grid.less";
@import "~slickgrid-es6/dist/slick-default-theme.less";

Examples and development

Currently, the examples are being ported. You can start a webpack-dev-server with hot reload like this:

$ npm start

Then point your browser to http://localhost:8888/.

To create a new build for dist, run:

$ npm run build


Any pull requests and help with this are appreciated - both from conversion stand point and from slickgrid bug fixes or feature additions.

Original mleibman README follows:

Find documentation and examples in the wiki.

Welcome to SlickGrid

SlickGrid is an advanced JavaScript grid/spreadsheet component

Some highlights:

  • Adaptive virtual scrolling (handle hundreds of thousands of rows with extreme responsiveness)
  • Extremely fast rendering speed
  • Supports jQuery UI Themes
  • Background post-rendering for richer cells
  • Configurable & customizable
  • Full keyboard navigation
  • Column resize/reorder/show/hide
  • Column autosizing & force-fit
  • Pluggable cell formatters & editors
  • Support for editing and creating new rows.
  • Grouping, filtering, custom aggregators, and more!
  • Advanced detached & multi-field editors with undo/redo support.
  • “GlobalEditorLock” to manage concurrent edits in cases where multiple Views on a page can edit the same data.
  • Support for millions of rows