
instant coding answers via the command line

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



instant coding answers via the command line


Are you a hack programmer? Do you find yourself constantly Googling for how to do basic programming tasks?

Suppose you want to know how to format a date in bash. Why open your browser and read through blogs (risking major distraction) when you can simply stay in the console and ask howdoi:

$ howdoi format date bash
> DATE=`date +%Y-%m-%d`

howdoi will answer all sorts of queries:

$ howdoi print stack trace python
> import traceback
> try:
>     1/0
> except:
>     print '>>> traceback <<<'
>     traceback.print_exc()
>     print '>>> end of traceback <<<'
> traceback.print_exc()

$ howdoi convert mp4 to animated gif
> video=/path/to/video.avi
> outdir=/path/to/output.gif
> mplayer "$video" \
>         -ao null \
>         -ss "00:01:00" \  # starting point
>         -endpos 10 \ # duration in second
>         -vo gif89a:fps=13:output=$outdir \
>         -vf scale=240:180

$ howdoi create tar archive
> tar -cf backup.tar --exclude "www/subf3" www


pip install howdoi


pip install git+https://github.com/gleitz/howdoi.git#egg=howdoi


brew install https://raw.github.com/gleitz/howdoi/master/howdoi.rb


python setup.py install


usage: howdoi.py [-h] [-p POS] [-a] [-l] [-c] [-n NUM_ANSWERS] [-C] [-v] QUERY [QUERY ...]

instant coding answers via the command line

positional arguments:
  QUERY                 the question to answer

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p POS, --pos POS     select answer in specified position (default: 1)
  -a, --all             display the full text of the answer
  -l, --link            display only the answer link
  -c, --color           enable colorized output
  -n NUM_ANSWERS, --num-answers NUM_ANSWERS
                        number of answers to return
  -C, --clear-cache     clear the cache
  -v, --version         displays the current version of howdoi

As a shortcut, if you commonly use the same parameters each time and don't want to type them, add something similar to your .bash_profile (or otherwise). This example gives you 5 colored results each time.

alias h='function hdi(){ howdoi $* -c -n 5; }; hdi'

And then to run it from the command line simply type:

$h this is my query for howdoi



  • Works with Python2 and Python3
  • A standalone Windows executable with the howdoi application is available here.
  • An Alfred Workflow for howdoi can be found at http://blog.gleitzman.com/post/48539944559/howdoi-alfred-even-more-instant-answers.
  • Slack integration available through slack-howdoi.
  • Howdoi uses a cache for faster access to previous questions. Caching functionality can be disabled by setting the HOWDOI_DISABLE_CACHE environment variable. The cache is stored in ~/.cache/howdoi.
  • You can set the HOWDOI_URL environment variable to change the source url for answers (default: stackoverflow.com, also supported: serverfault.com, pt.stackoverflow.com, full list).
  • You can set the HOWDOI_SEARCH_ENGINE environment variable to change the underlying search engine for StackOverflow links (default: google, also supported: bing).
  • Setting the HOWDOI_COLORIZE environment variable will colorize the output by default.
  • Special thanks to Rich Jones (@miserlou) for the idea.


  • Checkout the repo
  • Run python -m howdoi.howdoi QUERY (if you try running python howdoi/howdoi.py you might get ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package).


You might get the following error when installing with Homebrew:

==> python setup.py install


Please make the appropriate changes for your system and try again.

Fix the error by executing the following command:

sudo chmod -R go+w /Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/

An official lxml for python 3.3+ for windows has not yet been released. You may get an error while installing. Try and install an unofficial binary for lxml from


howdoi Integration

Other software that integrates with howdoi.


A GUI front-end is available for Python 3 users.

To install, use pip:

pip install pysimplegui-howdoi

To run the installed software

python -m pysimplegui-howdoi.pysimplegui-howdoi

It works best when you assign a "hotkey" to this launch command so that you're a keypress away from making your query.

This is the GUI interface:


Type the query into the bottom portion of the window. The results are displayed in the top. You can highlight, copy and paste the responses. There is a history feature built-in so you can re-run queries. Use the arrow keys or mouse scroll-wheel to cycle through the history.

Learn more about PySimpleGUI:

Documentation - http://www.PySimpleGUI.org

GitHub - http://www.PySimpleGUI.com