
Utrecht University, Advanced Graphics - Ray Tracer

Primary LanguageC++

lighthouse2 fork by Teodor Nikolov & Mihail Tsakov

This repo is a fork of the lighthouse2 rendering engine that was used to implement a real-time path tracer as part of the Advanced Graphics course at Utrecht University. You can build the source yourself to check it out, or you can look at the releases for a demo of the program.

The master branch does not contain the actual files of the assignments. Use the 'assignment' branch for this. I was not able to figure out how to fork an old commit except to fork the current repo and branch from an old commit. If you have any idea how I could do it properly, please slap a comment wherever possible or just contact me through my GitHub account.

And thanks to @jbikker for being the awesome teacher he is.

lighthouse2 - Official README

Lighthouse 2 framework for real-time ray tracing

This is the public repo for Lighthouse 2, a rendering framework for real-time ray tracing / path tracing experiments. Lighthouse 2 uses a state-of-the-art wavefront / streaming ray tracing implementation to reach high ray througput on RTX hardware (using Optix 7.2) and pre-RTX hardware (using Optix 5 Prime) and soon on AMD hardware (using RadeonRays / OpenCL) and CPUs (using Embree). A software rasterizer is also included, mostly as an example of a minimal API implementation.


Quick pointers / Important advice:

Lighthouse 2 uses a highly modular approach to ease the development of renderers.

The main layers are:

  1. The application layer, which implements application logic and handles user input;
  2. The RenderSystem, which handles scene I/O and host-side scene storage;
  3. The render cores, which implement low-level rendering functionality.

Render cores have a common interface and are supplied to the RenderSystem as dlls. The RenderSystem supplies the cores with scene data (meshes, instances, triangles, textures, materials, lights) and sparse updates to this data.

The Lighthouse 2 project has the following target audience:


Lighthouse 2 is designed to be a high-performance starting point for novel algorithms involving real-time ray tracing. This may include new work on filtering, sampling, materials and lights. The provided ray tracers easily reach hundreds of millions of rays per second on NVidia and AMD GPUs. Combined with a generic GPGPU implementation, this enables a high level of freedom in the implementation of new code.


The Lighthouse 2 system implements all the boring things such as scene I/O, window management, user interfaces and access to ray tracing APIs such as Optix, RadeonRays and Embree; your students can get straight to the interesting bits. The architecture of Lighthouse 2 is carefully designed to be easily accessible. Very fast scene loading and carefully tuned project files ensure quick development cycles.


Lighthouse 2 is an R&D platform. It is however distributed with the Apache 2.0 license, which allows you to use the code in your own products. Experimental cores can be shared with the community in binary / closed form, and application development is separated from core development.

What it is not

The ray tracing infrastructure (with related scene management acceleration structure maintenance) should be close to optimal. The implemented estimators however (unidirectional path tracers without filtering and blue noise) are not, and neither is the shading model (Lambert + speculars). This may or may not change depending on the use cases encountered. This video shows what can be achieved with the platform: https://youtu.be/uEDTtu2ky3o .

Lighthouse 2 should compile out-of-the-box on Windows using Visual Studio 2019. For the CUDA/Optix based cores CUDA 11.1 is required:


Optix 5.x, 6.0 and 7.2 libraries are included in the Lighthouse 2 download and do not have to be downloaded separately.

For more information on Lighthouse 2 please visit: http://jacco.ompf2.com.


Lighthouse 2 was developed at the Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

Lighthouse 2 uses the following libraries:
Dear ImGui https://github.com/ocornut/imgui
FreeImage http://freeimage.sourceforge.net
Glad https://glad.dav1d.de
GLFW https://www.glfw.org
half 1.12 http://half.sourceforge.net
tinygltf https://github.com/syoyo/tinygltf
tinyobj https://github.com/syoyo/tinyobjloader
tinyxml2 https://github.com/leethomason/tinyxml2
zlib https://www.zlib.net


Previous Work

Lighthouse 2 implements research by (very incomplete):

  • Marsaglia: random numbers
  • Van Antwerpen, Laine, Karras, Aila: streaming path tracing
  • Aila, Laine: persistent kernels
  • Schied et al.: Spatiotemporal Variance-Guided Filtering (SVGF)
  • Victor Voorhuis: improved SVGF for specular and glossy reprojection
  • Eric Heitz: Blue noise distributions