
Android CRUD App project repository. The App manages user request to Add/Update/Delete/Download Users to the App's local database.

Primary LanguageKotlin

"# CrudApp"

The following Android Project consists in a basic CRUD App implemented over Kotlin to manage a User Database. More specifically, the used Android API corresponds to Android X to ensure most updated behaviour.

Users in the App hold on to the following info: - Name - Id - Birthdate Locally, user Id correponds to the primary key to store with in the local database.

Language support: English (EN), Spanish (SP).

Among the App functionalities you will find:

  • User List displayed as a Recycler View
  • User Filtering by Query contained in the user's name
  • Manage and store Users locally inside a SQLite Database
  • Switching between Day and Night Mode
  • Two Material App Themes: COFFEE and REDSAND
  • Undo Functionality for user removal, add or update
  • Register a new User in the remote Services
  • Update any specific User
  • Update all Users
  • Edit already existing User
  • Testing classes and functions
  • ShowCase example for the App's usage and widget display & functionalities