Code data for the EC zoo

Code meta-information is stored in YAML format, one file per code.

The YAML language

If you type in new codes, make sure you understand the basics of the YaML language, and be sure to use a good text editor (if you'd like a suggestion, check out the Atom text editor).

YaML is a common markup language. You can google "YAML tutorial" or check out the language's Wikipedia page.)

Structure and hierarchy of the data files

See the template.yml file to get started.

(@VVA: feel free to fill in more info about folder structure etc. here)

LaTeX-inspired mini-language in text

In text fields, you can make use of the following LaTeX-inspired features:

  • Equations can be written as \( ... \), they will be rendered into pretty formulas using MathJaX. You can use standard LaTeX math commands in equations, as supported e.g. by AMS-TeX (\sim, \langle, etc.)

  • Cite relevant papers by their arXiv number as \cite{arxiv:XXXX.XXXXX} or \cite{arxiv:quant-ph/XXXXXXX}, or using their DOI as \cite{doi:10.ZZZZZZ}. If there is neither an arxiv number nor a DOI number available, you can use a manual citation as \cite{manual:{(enter citation line incl. author and year here)}} (you can use the latex-like mini-language inside the manual citation, too).

  • Reference other codes using \ref{code:<other-code-id>}. To set a custom label to show, you can use \hyperref[code:<other-code-id>]{link text}.

  • Insert hyperlinks to other web pages as \href{}{shown link text} or with \url{}.

  • Input accents, special characters, etc., directly as Unicode (files are encoded in UTF-8): éàààé😅Á

  • Protect characters that have a special meaning using the following macros: \textbackslash (backslash character), \ (force space), \{ (open brace), \} (closing brace), \% (percent character).

  • The macros \emph{...}, \textit{...}, and \textbf{...} can be used for italic or for bold text.

  • You can insert footnotes with \footnote{...}. Footnotes should be avoided in general.

Building and previewing the site

To build the site, follow the instructions given in the eczoo_generator repository.


Get in touch with Victor V Albert & feel free to submit pull requests!