
A car dealership page, which visitors can check new and pre-owned vehicles inventory. Link to the website here! The backend can be seen here!

General Approach

We have four SQL Tables for the inventory/cars/images/users. Our approach was to allow annonomoys users to browse the inventory and make GET calls to the API, but not being able to POST, PUT or DELETE. Those operations are only allowed for our admin users, which are populating the database. In the backend, we split our code into business logic in the Service package and front-end mapping in the Controller package. We also created custom error messages contained within the Exception package, which are handling those cases. Our Repository package is using predefined methods from JPARepository interface, alongside some custom ones.

General Approach

We have four SQL Tables for the inventory/cars/images/users. Our approach was to allow annonomoys users to browse the inventory and make GET calls to the API, but not being able to POST, PUT or DELETE. Those operations are only allowed for our admin users, which are populating the database. In the backend, we split our code into business logic in the Service package and front-end mapping in the Controller package. We also created custom error messages contained within the Exception package, which are handling those cases. Our Repository package is using predefined methods from JPARepository interface, alongside some custom ones.


  • Bootstrap carousel for advertisement/home page information
  • Chat bot, with pre-determined responses using Dialogflow ES (Google Cloud)
  • Google maps integration for the dealership address (Has a placeholder address of Bob Rohrman's Schaumburg Ford)
  • Cars/Inventory/Single Car pages with API filter calls to our database.
  • API testing with J-Unit and Mock MVC
  • JSON Web Token Security


We used some assets from car dealership websites in the Chicago area, such as and in order to re-create the feeling of a car dealership.

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ERD Diagram

Dealership ERD


Endpoint Functionality Access
GET /api/cars Get All Car Makes PUBLIC
GET /api/cars/1 Get Individual Car Make PUBLIC
GET /api/inventory Get Make Inventory PUBLIC
GET /api/inventory/1 Get Specific Make Cars PUBLIC
GET /api/inventory/search/1 Get Specific Car PUBLIC
POST /api/inventory/1 Creating Single Car PRIVATE
PUT /api/inventory/1 Updating Single Car PRIVATE
DELETE /api/inventory/1 Delete Single Car PRIVATE
POST /api/cars Create Car Make PRIVATE
PUT /api/cars/1 Update Car Make PRIVATE
DELETE /api/cars/1 Delete Car Make PRIVATE
POST api/inventory/1/images Create Inventory Image PRIVATE
DELETE api/images/1 Delete Inventory Image PRIVATE

Machineries used

  • Angular 11
  • Spring Boot Framework
  • IntelliJ IDEA/Java 11
  • Tomcat Server
  • Apache Maven
  • Dev Profile
  • Postman
  • Postgresql
  • pgAdmin 4
  • Bootstrap
  • Animate.css Library
  • Heroku
  • Bot
  • Dialogflow ES (Google Cloud)
  • Pivotal Tracker


  • The installation instructions are for running the front-end locally, but connecting to a Back-end hosted on heroku Front-End
  1. Clone Repository
  2. Run 'npm install' in the project folder
  3. Run command 'ng serve'

If you are having troubles running it check "start" field and change to "ng serve"

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  • Backend Maven Dependencies: You can reload project under maven options if dependencies don’t load properly on first download. image

Descriptions of any unsolved problems

We had hurdles during our efforts to implement the API filtering for the cars. Another obstacle we had, is when we were trying to deploy our API to Heroku, where we experienced issues with the JWT variable.