
Archive Nesting Technique on the System

Primary LanguageTypeScript



ANT on the system (Archive Nesting Technique on the System) is a Hierarchical Organizational Method designed to streamline the storage, making it easier to manage and find your documents.

How works?

Her rules organize files in a way that mimics a Ant Colony with a categories pathways in levels and some nested paths.
Also, it employs a naming convention that allows the user to find a file anywhere.

Key Benefits of ANT System:

  1. Structured Organization: Files are organized in a clear hierarchical structure, making navigation easy.
  2. Convenient Nomenclature: Folders and subfolders are named with an incremental and intuitive patern, improving the organization, creation, and search of content.
  3. Clean Desktop: A special 'Projects' folder serves as a Temporary Repository for current and future projects, eliminating the need to use the desktop for these purposes and keeping clutter-free.
  4. Master Tracking Work/School Projects: It allows you track ongoing projects and store ideas, When a project is done you'll know it, If you need files from another project you'll know where they are.

Following this method will ensure that your Digital Storage is well-organized, Easily accessible, and Efficiently managed


1. Levels and Folder's Structure

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Levels refer to the depth within the folder tree directory.


The basic structure suggests 3 levels, although in some cases there may be more. However, it is recommended not to have too many levels and to use them only in certain cases.

1.1 The Level 1 - (Main Categories)


Is the highest hierarchy, inside from your Root Storage Folder, content the main categories;


Use an Incremental enumeration with three digits (100, 200, 300, ...), followed by a dot, followed by the Main Category name in Capitals

Usage Suggestions:

1.2 The Levels 2 - (Categories, Subjects)


Is inside of your main category selectioned;


For each directory add an Incremental enumeration with two digits, followed by a dot, followed by the Categories Name

Usage Suggestions:

1.3 The Levels 3 - Subcategories, Topics or Theme.

There are two ways to structure;
If the Directory stay for a long time should be use a "Chill Structure", Otherwise if it's a Temporary Directory (it'll only be used for a short period), you should be use a “control structure”.

1.3.1 Chill Structure



Is simple, It has an incremental enumeration with two or more digits, tho it doesn't necesary go at the beginning, as it'll depend on the needs/customization of each one.

Use if:

  • You need a static sequence
  • The directory is a permanent category

Usage Suggestions:
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That the way you organize will determine whether your support folders come before or after.
Remember, the order always be Symbols-Numbers-Letters."

1.3.2 Control Structure


It's ideal for projects, presentations, database, homeworks, etc. Use a naming convetion for controling and easy identification


It has a naming convention, here is the meaning of each part;

Identificator It's a code label that identifies it.
Traker It's your tracking index, if you use.
Date The format is 'YY-MM-DD', within parentheses
Breadcrumb Use current or nearby folder category name.
Holder Refers to client, organization, school, or reference name, within brackets
Name Is the proj, pres, DB, hw name.
Keywords Are descriptive words or phrases.


It's not necessary to have all the fields, tho follow in that order, (adapt it to your needs).

Use if:

  • You Need to have control
  • The data is temporary and will most likely be deleted later
  • Share with more people if you

Usage Suggestions:

1.4 Projects Folder


Works as a temporal repository, It should contentain shortcuts to current project paths, and If you want also idea or inspiration folders

Usage Suggestions:

2. Support Folders

The support folders are designed to be helpful at the current level. In that sense support the user.
Each has a unique identifier, making it easy to differentiate and quickly identify them;

2.1 Settings Folder (99)


Its unique identifier is '99', so you'll probably find it as '99.Settings' This folder contains general configurations for 'ANT', for your programs, interfaces, or Operating System.

2.2 Review Folder (98)


Its unique identifier is '98', so you'll probably find it as '98.math', '98.marketing' or '98.instagram' This folder contains all your files and directories that have no classification, need renaming, or maybe are not from the current level. In other words, they need to be reviewed before being into the system, and this folder helps you avoid mixing them with your other files.


Use the identifier, followed by a dot, followed by the name of the current path or similar (preferably write it in kebab-case)

> image_18

e.g. 98.ACADEMIC for
e.g. 98.Portfolio
e.g. 98.MyDocuments
e.g. 98.Math
e.g. 98.CallOfDuty
e.g. 98.MrBeast(Editions)

2.2.1 Review Directory (998.Review)


Its unique identifier is '998', so you'll find it as '998.Review' in your Root Storage;
It functions as a directory for your Review folders, should content shortcuts of your Review Folders. The intention is that you don't have to navigate directly to the path to save the files that need to be reviewed; instead, you can directly access them with the help of this folder.


Try to keep it updated if you create a new review folder

2.3 Undefined Folder (97)

Its unique identifier is '97'. so you'll probably find it as '97.Undefined', '~97.undef', '~97.agascfsa'
This is a folder that will help you organize a couple of files without adding them to '98.review'.
Because those files either don't belong at that level or are needed immediately


It doesn't really need an identifier, but this way, you'll know to delete it when it's empty.
You can also call it '~temp', 'temporal', anyway, just remember delete it.

2.4 Resources Folder (90)

> edit image_21

It's unique identifier is '90'. so you'll probably find it as '90.Resources' This folder helps organize those files that due to their nature; are frequently needed, provide guidelines, are presets, for use.

Usage Suggestions:

> edit image_22
e.g. Templates, Presets, Effects, Materials Stock, 
e.g. Brand Style Guide, Databases, Watermarks, Scripts, App-Presets
e.g. Books, Databases, Tutorials, Articles, References

2.5 Archive Folder (00)

> edit image_23

Its unique identifier is '00',so you'll can use it as '00.Final', '00.Ready', '00.Renders', '00.forProduction', etc.
This folder it's meant contain your deliverables or already delivered items, e.g. for your projects, homeworks, presentations, or any completed job, as well as each of its subsequent versions.


It's only for your Final Files.
Don't create one folder for each one.

Usage Suggestions:

> edit image_24

3. Nomenclature

The format contains 4 fields which can be split into two Data parts; the Static data fields (Green) and the Description data fields (Yellow)

> edit image_25
ID.traker_(YY-MM-DD)Bread[Holder] _ key-words-tags-labels_version


3.1. Static Data Fiels

Shold be attrubuttes statics, it's meant contain data that due to their nature will not be modified for a long time or even never.

It's conformed by:

Identificator It's a code label that identifies it.
Traker It's your tracking index, if you use.
Date The format is 'YY-MM-DD', within parentheses.
Breadcrumb Use current or nearby folder category name.
Holder Refers to client, organization, school, or reference name, within brackets


It's not necessary to have all the fields, tho follow in that order, (adapt it to your needs).

3.1.1 Identificators (ID) and Traker

The ID It's a code label that identifies it.
This utility is used to separate large amounts of files in the same place based on their functionality or purpose and always is in Capitals.
Here is a Identificator Guide as reference.

The Traker is a record from some company/college database or personal control system and is purely optional.

For example, if the file is a recording that will be made into a time-lapse, it would be 'timelapse' and its identifier would be 'TML'. If it's a project, its identifier would be 'PJ'. If it's an audio recording, 'AUD'. But if the audio is for a podcast, it would be 'POD'. Following the identifier, you could add your tracker.

3.1.2 Date

The date It's written in the ISO 8601 Format,
Year followed by Month followed by Day with tow digits in kebab-case
that is, like this 'YY-MM-DD'

3.1.3 Breadcrumb

The breadcrumb generally, it should be the current folder name or nearvy (couple of levels up).

3.1.2 Holder

The holder refers to the people/organization has an intererst in the final product because is owner, client, boss, teacher, etc.
In that sense should be her name within brackets Now in some cases as well may be the name of the category or character's name.

3.2. Description Data Fields

Should be descriptive attributes, it's meant contain specific data that make it individual as her title name, keywords, version or sufix.

Name It's the specific name given to the file.
Keywords Tags or terms that relate to the content of the file.
Version The iteration or edition number of the file.
Sufix Additional identifier at the end of the name to denote variations or types.

3.2.1 Title Name

The title name is the specific name given to the file.
It should be descriptive enough to understand the content or purpose of the file at a glance.

3.2.2 Keywords

The keywords are tags or terms that relate to the content of the file. These help in searching (indexation) and organizing the files efficiently.

These tags may be a Particular Topic, Subject, Locations, or what ever give information.


If dnt need it, no use it or not use many

3.2.3 Version

The version is an additional identifier at the end, denotes the iteration or edition number of the project/file.
This helps in tracking changes and updates to the file over time.


Use the letter 'v', followed by a dot, followed numbers or states

e.g. ...MyProject_v.1.0 ...MyProject_v.1.1
e.g. ...MyProject_v.1.0 ...MyProject_v.1.0 beta
e.g. ...MyPicture_v.Red ...MyPicture_v.Blue

3.2.4 Sufix

The suffix is an additional identifier at the end reather version, to denote variations or types, meanly within parentheses

e.g. ...MyPicture_ (2) ...MyPicture_(03)
e.g. ...MyPicture_(Red) ...MyPicture_(Blue)