In one console:
python src/
In other console:
python src/
If all fields of streamed data appears as null, it can be because there is something wrong with the data. When SparkStreaming doesn't understarnd a field it put every field to null. An example would be passing a None value instead of null, as Spark interprets it as a String.
Set it for session in venv:
With virtualenv activated enter next command.
#! /bin/sh PYSPARK_PYTHON=./venv/bin/python
Set it forever in venv:
nano venv/bin/activate
In the end of the file:
export PYSPARK_PYTHON=./venv/bin/python export FLASK_APP=model/
Running flask:
flask run --host=
Dashboard en tiempo real con la siguiente estructura:
Lo único que se va a usar es el texto de los tweets sin tener en cuenta las menciones, hashtags y retweets
En un futuro se podría añadir un hashtag para analizar el contenido de este. De momento la importancia está en hacer el dashboard para entender mejor las limitaciones del stream y cómo usarlas con base de datos o si hay que añadir Kafka o algo del estilo.
- Create general wordcloud
- Make the process more robust and failure tolerant
Check how to get user information only having the tweet from stream [ - ]
Add hate speech detection (HSD)
- Find model of HSD [ - ]
- Add model to Flask API as new endpoint [ - ]
- Modify pipeline to add call and handle response [ - ]
Create dashboard MVP:
- Create hate speech wordcloud[ - ]
Search better sentiment analysis models [ - ]
Create Data Model [ - ]
Create Queries [ - ]
Get author information and the users who are mentioned in the tweet [ - ]
Make the stream not break on error in [ - ]
Clean data from sequential process in tweets
Create dashboard mock [ ✔ ] 01/11/2022
Make the stream not break on error in [ ✔ ] 19/11/2022
Create a database controller and refactor code [ ✔ ]
Create dashboard MVP:
- Create classification count [ ✔ ]