
Getting Started

Use this template to get started.

Learning Objectives

  • Incorporate third-party services into Express APIs
  • Use cross-fetch to make a fetch call
  • Use the pg library with $1, $2, $3 syntax to sanitize our SQL queries to prevent SQL injection
  • Write a INSERT query that creates and returns a row in a SQL table


Your task is to create a Futurama profile directory API. Each profile contains a name (a person's name) and a quote. The name should come from the request body. The quote should be randomly generated using the Futurama API. You can fetch a single quote from the Futurama API by making a GET request to https://futuramaapi.herokuapp.com/api/quotes/1.

Organize your fetch request & model method calls in the ProfileService.js.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The Profile.insert method can insert a row into the profiles table and return that row as a new Profile object
  • The ProfileService.create method:
    • Fetches a quote from the Futurama API
    • Creates a new profile using the Profile model with the name and fetched quote
    • Returns the newly created profile
  • The profiles controller invokes the ProfileService to create a profile and send it back to the client
  • A user can send a POST request to /api/v1/profiles and get their newly created profile object with the name they sent in the request body and a random quote
  • The pre-existing test should pass


Task Points
Profile.insert implemented 4
ProfileService.create implemented 4
POST /api/v1/profiles route implemented 2