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- If you want to highlight your resume with meaningful project experience, or you want to learn new skills by the new project, here's the right place!
- Sometimes free can be the best. We selected a large number of online courses and tech blogs to present the best free real projects for you.
- If a course involves the following situations, please submit an issue. 3.1 Paid course: course you need to pay for a full study; 3.2 Obsolete course: tool version, APIs or datasets used in the course is out of date; 3.3 Inaccurate course: course has an apparent error or is inconsistent.
- The following course is in order from A~Z.
- 视频
Google Cloud Platform
- Backend
- Building a serverless DevOps pipeline for Salesforce with Cloud Build
- Building a BigQuery data lineage system using audit logs, Pub/Sub, ZetaSQL, Dataflow, and Data Catalog
- Building a streaming video analytics pipeline
- Building an e-commerce recommendation system by using BigQuery ML
- Building a headless ecommerce platform on Google Cloud
- Building a real-time embeddings similarity matching system
- Categorizing audio content using machine learning
- Continuous delivery pipelines with Spinnaker and GKE
- Creating Custom Interactive Dashboards with Bokeh and BigQuery
- Creating a CI/CD pipeline with Azure Pipelines and Google Kubernetes Engine
- Building multi-architecture container images for IoT devices
- Creating a unified app analytics platform using Firebase, BigQuery, and Looker
- Machine Learning
- Architecture of a machine learning system for near real-time item matching
- Building a secure anomaly detection solution using Dataflow, BigQuery ML, and Cloud Data Loss Prevention
- Building a k-means clustering model for market segmentation by using BigQuery ML
- Building a ML vision analytics solution with Dataflow and Cloud Vision API
- Mobile
- Build an Android App Using Firebase and the App Engine Flexible Environment
- Build an iOS App Using Firebase and the App Engine Flexible Environment
- Build a Mobile App Using Compute Engine and REST
- Build a Mobile App Using Google Compute Engine and gRPC
- Detecting anomalies in financial transactions by using AI Platform, Dataflow, and BigQuery
Amazon Web Services
- Server
- Build a turn-based game with Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon SNS
- Orchestrate Queue-based Microservices with AWS Step Functions and Amazon SQS
- Send Fanout Event Notifications with SQS and SNS
- Machine Learning
- Detect, Analyze, and Compare Faces with Amazon Rekognition
- Analyze insights in text with Amazon Comprehend
- Analyze Video & Extract Rich Metadata with Amazon Rekognition Video
- A Guide to Golang E-Commerce
- A Million WebSockets and Go
- Build a concurrent TCP server in Go
- Building a high performance JSON parser
- Build a Todo App in Golang, MongoDB, and React
- Build a web application in Go
- Building Blockchain in Go
- Building Go Web Applications and Microservices Using Gin
- Create A Real Time Chat App With Golang, Angular, And Websockets
- How To Create Your Own CLI
- Writing A Web Crawler in Golang
- 250行 实现一个简单的 MVVM
- 从零开始实现一个 RPC 框架
- Build a Classical Music Quiz app that renders audio and video
- Developing Database Application using Spring MVC and MyBatis
- Full Stack web application using Spring Boot and React | REST API | MySQL | React Hooks
- DRP 实战项目
- Servlet + Ajax 实现搜索框智能提示
- Spring Boot Full Stack with Angular
- SpringCloud + Vue 项目实战——社交项目
- Spring Boot 构建博客检索系统
- Spring Cloud微服务实战:外卖订餐系统
- 基于 SSH 实现员工管理系统
- 通过自动回复机器人学 Mybatis
- 使用 SSM 框架开发众筹网站
- 使用 Struts2 + Hibernate 开发学生信息管理功能
- 自己动手实现 RPC 框架
- Blockcode: A visual programming toolkit
- Build A Real-Time Twitter Stream with Node and React.js
- How to Build A Blockchain in Javascript
- How to Build a Chat Application using React, Redux, Redux-Saga, and Web Sockets
- How to Build a Hex Color Generator in JavaScript
- How to Build a Memory Matching Game in JavaScript
- How to build a news app with React Native
- How to Build a Productivity Application in React
- How to Build a To-Do App in Vue.js
- How to build a reactive engine in JavaScript
- How to build your custom JS IDE in the browser
- React Tutorial: Cloning Yelp
- React 全家桶实现一个简易备忘录
- 14 篇教程带你从零撸一个 Todo 应用
- 从零开始实现一个 React
- 利用 Vue 原理实现一个 mini 版的 MVVM 框架
- 如何实现一个简易编译器
- 实现一个简单的 JavaScript 编译器
- 实现一个简单的编译器
- Build a Quiz App with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
- Build a simple chat system in JavaScript
- Build a Pet Hotel web app with React using ScaffoldHub
- Build an E-commerce website with Django and React
- Build and Deploy a Modern Full Stack Social Media App
- Build and Deploy a Modern Web 3.0 Blockchain App
- Data Visualization and D3.js
- Full Stack Web Development Project like Netflix
- Full Stack Food Delivery App - React Redux Reducer, Firebase | For Beginners
- Let's Build a Full-Stack AMAZON Clone with REACT JS for Beginners
- Let's build Uber 2.0 with REACT NATIVE! (Navigation, Redux, Tailwind CSS & Google Autocomplete)
- Pure JavaScript Calculator - JavaScript ES6 Learn JavaScript
- React JS to build a News App
- Start 3D GIS Web Development in JavaScript
- React Node.js E-Commerce App Full Tutorial
- Node.js 终端问答程序开发实战
- React 项目实战
- Cocos2d-js 实战-横版回合制 rpg 游戏之城市篇
- CSS3 + JS 实现超炫的散列画廊特效
- JS 实现“旋转木马”幻灯片效果
- 5 个企业项目拿下 React 全家桶
- 从头实现一个 koa 框架
- 从零做一个前端开源项目
- 快速入门 Web 阅读器开发
- 京东项目实战
- 实现一个简单的模板引擎
- 小米商城实战项目
- A Continuous Integration System
- Build a Bucketlist List with Flask
- Build a RESTful API with Flask – The TDD Way
- Build a full stack web application. Next.JS and Django Project
- (How to Write a (Lisp) Interpreter (in Python))
- How To Build Chatbot Project Using Python
- Web Scraping 101
- Scraping Top 50 Movies on IMDb using BeautifulSoup
- Django 打造文件分享系统
- Python Flask Web 框架
- Python 实现简单的 Web 服务器
- Python 文本解析器
- PyQt 实现简易浏览器
- TensorFlow 2 实现 AI 换脸
- 基于 Flask 与 RethinkDB 实现 TODO List
- 使用 Python 预测 NBA 常规赛结果
- 用 Python 从头实现一个神经网络
- 用 Python 实现一个音乐检索器
- Beginner Python and Coding Intro - Scripting a Virtual Car
- Build natural language processing systems using TensorFlow
- Django Ecommerce Website | Setup & Templates | Part 1
- Django & React Tutorial | Full Stack Web App With Python & JavaScript
- Fun and creative web engineering with Python and Web2py
- Implement a web browser
- Learn Python: Build a Virtual Assistant
- Use Flask web framework to build a web application
- Use PyTorch to implement a recurrent neural network that can classify text
- Python Website Full Tutorial - Flask, Authentication, Databases & More
- Python 开发简单爬虫
- Python 爬虫基础教程
- 零基础玩转高并发图片爬虫
- 天天生鲜 Django 项目