
Examples on using Identity Server 3 with SignalR and WebAPI Swashbuckle

Primary LanguageC#

Identity Server 3 Integrations

Here are some examples of integrations that I've used in the past to use Identity Server V3 for:

  • WebAPI Swashbuckle Auth
  • Self Hosted SignalR Auth

This code will go alongside my article here: [http://michaelclark.tech/2016/08/21/integrating-identity-server-3-with-web-api-2-swashbuckle/] (http://michaelclark.tech/2016/08/21/integrating-identity-server-3-with-web-api-2-swashbuckle/)

##To see the WebAPI SwashBuckle Integration:

  1. Start the CustomUserService
  2. Start the WebAPI2 Swashbuckle Multitenancy project
  3. Type in "Demo" into the Tenant input box at the top right
  4. Double click on the input box - it will take you to ID Server
  5. Fill in the credentials. e.g. Username: Alice, Password: Alice
  6. Authorize the application
  7. Click ok and it should redirect you back to the Swashbuckle page with an access token filled in on the input box - you are now authenticated.

##To see the SignalR Integration:

  1. Start the CustomUserService
  2. Start the SignalR Host project
  3. Start the SignalR Client project
  4. Notice that the client authenticates and sends the message
  5. You can change the access token in the client code to an invalid one and it will throw a 401

It's worth mentioning that the authorization token is purposefully put onto the querystring to make the most use of Websockets (Websockets don't support headers). That's why there's Authentication Token Querystring extractor middleware in the SignalR host.