
A multi-platform GUI for bit-based analysis, processing, and visualization

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

semantic-release Discord Chat

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The documentation is available at mahlet-inc.github.io.

Pre-built binaries

There are pre-built binaries of the latest release on the GitHub releases page.

Building with Qt Creator and Qt 5.12+

  1. If you don't already have the Qt libraries and Qt Creator, you can get them from qt.io/download-qt-installer
  2. (Optional) Install any dev libraries required to get the full functionality of the core plugins (fftw3)
  3. Open the root project file, src/hobbits.pro, in Qt Creator
  4. Build and run the application

Using Hobbits

Read the user guide in the documentation and/or watch this walkthrough video

Adding plugins

  1. Read the plugin developer guide in the documentation and/or watch this plugin development video
  2. Run wizard_installer.sh from inside the wizards directory to add Hobbits Plugin Qt Creator templates (restart Qt Creator after doing this)
  3. Add a plugin subproject to the appropriate plugins project and implement your desired functionality

Get Involved

Join our Discord server, send us an email at opensource@mahletconsulting.com, and tell your colleagues. We'd love contributions and resumes, but we'll settle for bug reports and memes.

Screenshot of the Hobbits GUI