👋 Hi there

My name is Szymon Górka, currently I am 2nd year IT student at the Lodz University of Technology. I like tex-mex food, Rick & Morty, alternative music, and FOSS software. I am looking for a remote job.

📦 Projects

Repo Stars Status         Description
SCSBAF40 GitHub Repo stars Finished Simple, ergonomic keyboard. Designed, built and programmed from scratch with KiCAD and Arduino IDE.
kaffenOS GitHub Repo stars Finished Basic operating system for x86_32 architecture, with working concurrency (task switching), terminal, keyboard, interrupts and PIT timer.
weeia-jam GitHub Repo stars Finished Group project, small game written in 24h during WEEIA JAM with python and pyGame library.
caffeine-library GitHub Repo stars In progress Minimalistic, small library for basic neural networks written without any dependencies in pure C99.
deep-deductor GitHub Repo stars In progress Poker engine and ML/AI algorhitms created for playing Texas Holdem, written in Python.

⚡ Technologies

  • Low level programming in C lang
  • OOP with C++ and Java
  • Project management with tools like git, makefile and doxygen
  • Python and many useful libraries like matplotlib, pyGame, pyQt, etc.
  • Basic ML/AI algorithms
  • Test driven development
  • Basics of SQL
  • PCB design with KiCAD, AutoCAD

🌱 I’m currently learning ...

  • computer vision
  • lisp programming language

💬 More...

For more informations, please check out my cirriculum vitae.