
This repo includes the content for "Applied Deep Learning Course" in LMU, Munich, Germany, WS23/24

Primary LanguagePython

Unified Concept Editing in Diffusion Models

This is a re-implementation of the paper Unified Concept Editing in Diffusion Models, Robit Gandikota et. al.


Install your package in editable mode via pip install -e . (do not forget the ".").


Install pre-commit hooks via pre-commit install. Run pre-commit run --all-files before pushing.


Concept Erasing

To erase multiple concepts e.g. "car,bicycle,bus". Please refer to tools/edit_model.py for detailed usage hints.

python tools/edit_model.py \
  configs/edit/sd_21_uce.py \
  -w workdirs/debug/

Image Generation

To generate images (using the pre-trained diffusion models) for prompts from index 0 to index 10, and generate 10 samples for each prompt. See tools/generate_images.py for detailed usage hints.

python tools/generate_images.py \
  configs/generate/sd_21_cars.py \
  -w workdirs/debug/ \
  --cfg-options generator.till_case=10 generator.inference_cfg.num_images_per_prompt=10

To generate images (using edited diffusion models). You need to specify the edited model's weights by adding -c path/to/checkpoint.pt.

To use your own prompts, you need to prepare a csv file that has the same format as data/prompts/cars_prompts.csv. Then, you need to specify the path to this prompt csv the config: generator.prompts_path=path/to/your/file.csv. Or you modify it in terminal by using --cfg-options generator.prompts_path=path/to/your/file.csv.

Before we change the concept in the prompts from 'penguin' to 'tourists'

uce_applied_deep_learning ice_nochanged.png

After we change the concept in the prompts from 'penguin' to 'tourists'

uce_applied_deep_learning ice_changed.png

Before we remove the 'railway' concept in the prompts 'a train on the railway'

uce_applied_deep_learning train_no_modi.png

After we remove the 'railway' concept in the prompts 'a train on the railway'

uce_applied_deep_learning train_with_modi.png