
This is a group project designed and coded by students at Northcoders. The link to the Front End project can be found here. Tech stack: MongoDB, Express, Node.JS, Axios


POST /api/login

POST /api/register

POST /api/users/user_id/add_by_search

POST /api/users/user_id/identify_plants_image

GET /api/users/user_id/plants

GET /api/users/user_id/plants/plant_id

GET /api/users/user_id/tasks

PATCH /api/users/user_id/tasks/plant_id

Third-party API's:

  • PlantNet - providing image identification of plants
  • Perenual - providing plant information, note limitations with free-plan allowing only species 1 - 3000.


  • axios@1.5.0
  • bcrypt@5.1.1
  • cors@2.8.5
  • dayjs@1.11.10
  • dotenv@16.3.1
  • express-mongo-sanitize@2.2.0
  • express@4.18.2
  • fs@0.0.1-security
  • jest-extended@4.0.1
  • jest@29.7.0
  • jsonwebtoken@9.0.2
  • mongoose@7.5.2
  • multer@1.4.5-lts.1
  • supertest@6.3.3