#Run Server To run server use

sbt run

#Run Load Test Load test is in the same project im main class throttling.test.RunTest. You have to set start parameters (users, rps, duration in seconds and log's file prefix). For exmaple

sbt "run-main throttling.test.RunTest 5 10 10 throttling"

So, test will run for a 5 users (threads). Each user sends 10 requests per second during 10 seconds. Result will be wrote in file tests/<file_prefix>_.log. #Config

akka {
  loglevel = DEBUG

spray.can.server {
  request-timeout = 1s
  throttling-port = 9999
  port = 8080

throttling {
  grace-rps = 10
  cache {
  	max-capacity = 500
  	initial-capacity = 16, 
  	#time-to-live = 60 //in seconds. Comment for Duration.Inf 
  	#time-to-idle = 60 //in seconds. Comment for Duration.Inf

#Load Test Result You can find test results for 5 users, 10 rps and during 10 seconds.

So, you can see that response times for top requests are strange. I think it's a spray-http-client problem :( Program notes startTime, sends request to IO(Http) and notes finish time when response is received. And the problem has to be investigated. But I think it doesn't affect qualitative characteristics cause it affects the both cases at the same way. So, in https://github.com/MikhailGevak/Throttling/blob/master/tests/throttling_report.pdf is the difference between two cases. If we get difference between average values from 51 rows (after firts "pool") we can see that overhead is not big.