You can run the program from the maven directly using command:
mvn compile exec:java -Dexec.args="src/main/resources/"
To stop server hit "return" ("Enter") in console.
#Configuration Default configuration:
askfm.blacklist.file = blacklist.txt
askfm.server.host_name = http://localhost
askfm.server.port = 9999
askfm.server.context_path = =
You can override default configration using your own properties-file and writing its filename as a java-arguments.
java rest.jar <>
#API ##List all accepted questions
Path: /questions/all
Type: GET
Response Type: JSON
Response: List of all questions in the DB.
[{"id":1,"text":"Who killed Kennedy?","country":"US","date":"Feb 10, 2017 12:54:53 AM"},
{"id":2,"text":"Is there any life on Mars?","country":"UA","date":"Feb 10, 2017 12:33:08 PM"},
{"id":3,"text":"For whom the bell tolls?","country":"US","date":"Feb 10, 2017 1:29:02 PM"}
##Ask question
Path: /questions/create
Type: POST
Body: Question as a plain text
Response Type: JSON
Response: Created question or error if it's too many requests
{"id":1,"text":"Who is on duty today?","country":"CA","date":"Feb 10, 2017 12:54:53 AM"}
##List of all accepted questions by country code
Path: /questions/country/{country_code}
Type: GET
Response Type: JSON
Response: List of questions filtered by country_code
[{"id":1,"text":"Who killed Kennedy?","country":"US","date":"Feb 10, 2017 12:54:53 AM"},
{"id":3,"text":"For whom the bell tolls?","country":"US","date":"Feb 10, 2017 1:29:02 PM"}
##Get question by id
Path: /questions/id/{id}
Type: GET
Response Type: JSON
Response: Question with id = {id} or error if question is not found
{"id":1,"text":"Who killed Kennedy?","country":"US","date":"Feb 10, 2017 12:54:53 AM"}
##Error If error has occured it is returned a response with suitable code (4xx). Also body contains a JSON with error's code (not http-response code!!!) and error's message.
{"code":200,"message":"No Question with ID: 123"}
#Blacklist Blacklist is set using a special file. You can set your own file using Configuration (default value is blacklist.txt). Each word (phrase) have to be in one line. For example:
#Limit number of questions coming from a country It's a limit number of questions coming from a country. To set limit use property The default value is 20. If the limit is reached the response 429 is returned:
{ "code": 400, "message": "Too many requests. Try again soon."}