
A web-application developed on the .NET 3.1 (LTS). The main idea of the web application is to develop a system for registering animals and quickly obtain data about them thanks to the QR code.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

QR Animal

Build Status

The main idea of the web application is to develop a system for the registration of animals and quickly obtain data about them thanks to the QR code, thereby reducing the human factor in document management, allowing the system to be as autonomous as possible.

Getting Started

When you go to the web application site, the user sees the main page and the opportunity to register or log in. Registration is based on the principle: fill in the data and confirm the registration. After that, access to the web application as a user appears.


To run the entire infrastructure, you should run the command from the project folder:

docker-compose up -d


  1. Docker should be installed on the computer and in the files (appsetting.json and appsetting.json) of the projects *.Web and *.Worker the true flag should be set opposite the value "IsDockerSupport".
  2. If the table to interact with the Serilog has not been added, restart the container / application.

Email settings

For the correct functioning of sending mail, you must add the sendersettings.json file to the root of the Web project filled in according to the pattern below.

  "MailSettings": {
    "Server": "smtp.your.server",
    "Port": "123",
    "EmailAddress": "email@email.email",
    "Password": "password"

User features

  1. Register animals;
  2. Perform various operations with animal data;
  3. View a list of previously registered animals;
  4. Share animal information by QR code;
  5. Use chat to communicate;

Administrator features (only through SSMS)

  1. Edit user's animals and QR codes;
  2. Edit user profiles;
  3. Respond to users and resolve conflict situations;

Application usage scenario

The user registers, confirms his account through a letter in the mail and gets access to the system. Then it registers the animal, enters data about it, after which it can share a QR code by which another person can get all the information about a particular animal by clicking on the link if it is in the public domain.

Built with


Mikhail M. - Software Engineer;


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.