Training and validation data you can download from It was obtained with RootSIFT features and mutual nearest neighbour matching. 12 scenes, 100k image pairs each, so 1.2M cases for training, 86 Gb.
Validation-only set is available from here. It is 2.1Gb.
Correspondences, which are obtained without mutual nearest neighbor check are available from here, 349 Gb.
The data comes from train and validation set of the CVPR IMW 2020 PhotoTourism challenge
Jupyter notebook, showing the format of the data and toy evaluation example is here.
Your methods can use as an input:
x, y, matching score for fundamental matrix case
and x,y, matching score, calibration matrices K1, K2 for essential matrix case.
The code for running OpenCV RANSACs evaluation is here
python -utt
The test data is here
PyTorch data loader for hdf5 files
Training and validation data you can download from (612Mb). The data is from EPOS datasset.
The description of the dataset format and parser to read the data is in this notebook
Test(without GT) and validation data you can download from
Jupyter notebook, showing the format of the data and toy evaluation example is here. Your methods can use as an input:
x, y, matching score
The evaluation metric is mean averacy accuracy over set of thresholds. And the thresholded metric is MAE: mean absolute error on jointly visible part of the both images. For more details see
To tune hyperparameters on the validation set and create test set prediction with OpenCV RANSAC, run the following script
It will run hyper parameter search on the validation set and then creates two files: homography_opencv_EVD_submission.h5 and homography_opencv_HPatchesSeq_submission.h5 Each of them has the same format as ground truth homography: h5 file with image pairs names as the key and [3x3] homography as an output.
python -utt
Download dataset here:
The data is organised as follows:
- For each scene, there is a sequence of T lidar scans { keypoint_s[t].pcd }, where t=1,...,T.
- Correspondences are available for only consecutive scans { corr_s[t]_s[t+1].txt }.
In the zip package, there is a Matlab function pc_plotter(fname_pc1, fname_pc2, fname_corr)
to plot pairs of point clouds and their 3D correspondences. The function requires file names for a pair of point clouds and their correspondences. As an example, for Arch, you could run in Matlab
pc_plotter('../arch/keypoint_s1.pcd', '../arch/keypoint_s2.pcd', '../arch/corr_s1_s2.txt')
to display the 3D correspondences.
The inlier thresholds are ... (TBA)
The ground truth transformation parameters are available here:
Use a text editor to open the files.
This data was sourced from Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Group at ETH Zurich:
If you use the data in any publication, please credit the original authors properly.
Download dataset here:
There are two instances in this dataset.
In the zip package, there is a Matlab script plot_7scenes.m
to plot the point clouds and their correspondences. After you run the script, the inlier threshold and ground truth transformation are available respectively in
and GT
This data was sourced from Microsoft RGB-D Dataset 7-Scenes:
If you use the data in any publication, please credit the original authors properly.
Download dataset here:
There are two instances in this dataset.
In the zip package, there is a Matlab script plot_lai.m
to plot the point clouds and their correspondences. After you run the script, the inlier threshold and ground truth transformation are available respectively in
and GT
This data was sourced from RGB-D Object Dataset from University of Washington:
If you use the data in any publication, please credit the original authors properly.
TBA if any.