
Chrome/Edge tab focus

wndgst opened this issue · 1 comments

I have been using Canvas Gauges.
All has been working fine till January 2021 Chrome/Edge browser updates.

The issue appears to happen if the Tab loses focus or minimized
When going back to the tab with my gauges on them, Looking in Dev tools I can see the data-value has changed
but the gauges are still showing the old value. If I edit the data-value in dev tools it will update with the correct reading and update the gauge.
If I wait for the next value change everything updates like it should.
Main issue is with temperature (Due to it not changing often)
Windspeed/dir are not affected has on a tab focus the data usually changes quickly(we always have wind where I live)

Is there a way to fix this without having to refresh the page?
source code is located on this page
Am I updating the page wrong? All appears to work until the page loses focus for about 8-10 minutes.
If I use an old version of Chrome/edge I do not have this problem.

Maybe this project is dead.
A few comments to add from above issue.
If I go into Dev tools, I do see the data-value has changed, But for some reason the gauges do not reflect the current value. If I edit the data-value the gauge will immediately update, Happens in chrome after 5-8 minutes if page is left open or if focus on tab is lost. Issue seems to happen on data-values that are not changed constantly
You can view the source at https://www.windgust.com/live1
If this project is dead please let know, If it is I will look for newer gauges that are active and updated.