HTML5 Canvas Gauge. Tiny implementation of highly configurable gauge using pure JavaScript and HTML5 canvas. No dependencies. Suitable for IoT devices because of minimum code base.
- 3
Unable to change Highlight
#268 opened by cfbristow71 - 1
- 0
CSS warnings "Expected color but found ‘null’
#279 opened by AtaraHalamish - 0
- 4
Draw problem after a few value updates
#273 opened by AtaraHalamish - 9
- 1
compass gauge with int values
#277 opened by AtaraHalamish - 1
- 1
#272 opened by nttu10411206 - 1
deviation mode for linear gauges
#271 opened by teesix - 2
Gauge title spanning two lines?
#270 opened by allanyates - 2
Value Box Position
#233 opened by kanedatatsaki - 1
Additional markers
#237 opened by habitoti - 0
Interactive Gauges
#269 opened by cannones - 5
- 1
#267 opened by Bredahl - 1
Congratulations on your AWESOME script!
#265 opened by inglesuniversal - 0
Upstream Dependency Conflicts
#264 opened by LRYMND - 2
radial gauge seems to be broken.
#263 opened by peakhunt - 1
canvas to SVG
#259 opened by patson12 - 0
No valuebox when using a horizontal linear gauge?
#262 opened by spiff72 - 0
Horizontal rotating gauge
#261 opened by SlimSchip - 6
gauge change position in Firefox
#232 opened by perropinto - 1
- 3
Avoid tick labels overlapping
#241 opened by andreapicaro - 16
- 0
- 0
Mysql for Canvas-Gauge
#257 opened by ozzylamberth - 2
Radial needle animation occasionally jumps "back" on Firefox if value updated frequently
#252 opened by panuworld - 0
Using .fromElement breaks other gauges
#256 opened by cewlbird - 2
Font Led?
#254 opened by loopingcooper - 0
- 1
request blocked as script "gauge.min.js" indicated as insecure script with no HTTPS
#250 opened by ramymagdy-rm - 3
Change the font-size of the value
#228 opened by SmartMCBV - 0
Reduce Spacing
#247 opened by DottoreM - 0
numeric value box shows with negative sign on the right when canvas is RTL
#244 opened by danielgindi - 0
Remove polyfill.js
#243 opened by danielgindi - 1
Gauges as plugin in freeboard
#242 opened by SteMMo33 - 1
Running canvas gauges on a Raspberry PI?
#239 opened by Leijoma - 0
Node red
#238 opened by SplitSecComp - 4
radial gauge needle in wrong spot
#224 opened by notsolowki - 1
Vue v-for & v-if not rendering canvas
#236 opened by zotosk - 0
- 0
Image as a background
#234 opened by kanedatatsaki - 1
Chrome/Edge tab focus
#231 opened by wndgst - 0
change position/location of valueBox ?
#230 opened by epikao - 1
Just cannot get animation to work
#229 opened by Stevolution2021 - 0
Request to change Default Mutation Observer
#227 opened by chris-eaton - 1
Type mime invalide
#226 opened by papizek - 0
valueBox position
#225 opened by eode