
Decorators trace meta-info for Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


RegD is a small library for Python which adds ability to trace decorators and decorated functions in Python with meta-information. It work well with both - Python 2.x and Python 3.x.

Nevertheless it was designed under Python 3, so it uses __annotations__ functions attribute specially introduced to store function meta.

It allows to trace your own and third-party decorators as well. All is required is just to register any existing decorator with DecoratorRegistry, like

from regd import DecoratorRegistry

# create simple decorator which does nothing
def mydecorator( fn) :
    # do your decorator stuff here...
    def wrapper( *args, **kwargs)
        # ... and here ... all you need
        return fn( *args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

# register the decorator
mydecorator = DecoratorRegistry.decorator( mydecorator)

than just continue to use the decorator as usual:

def mydecoratedfunction() :

Now any time you can easily track if function is decorated with decorator or not, like:

print(DecoratorRegistry.is_decorated_with(mydecoratedfunction, mydecorator))


This module is availabe via Python Package Index (PyPI). Installation is possible with pip or easy_install, like

> pip install regd


> easy_install regd

It's also available manual installation from git repository, like

> git clone git://github.com/Mikhus/regd.git
> cd regd
> python setup.py install


RegD package documentation is available at http://packages.python.org/regd/


This package is subject to MIT License. To get more info, please, see LICENSE.txt file

Copyright (c) 2012

Author: Mykhailo Stadnyk mikhus@gmail.com Home page: https://github.com/Mikhus/regd