
Sequence Validation Pipeline for JBEI

Primary LanguagePython

Sequence Validation Pipeline

Screenshots of Output

Website Interface

Before Request Submission

Before request submission

After Submission

After request submission

HTML page displaying each SubLibrary's call

HTML page with pool cal information

Types of calls

Color coding and names of calls

Excel sheet displaying each SubLibrary's information

Excel sheet with summary of all SubLibraries

IGV XML to view results in IGV

IGV XML for viewing in IGV ##Actual IGV File Actual IGV file


  1. Download the entire repo (The Test_Scripts and MiSeqValidationResults folder are unnecessary)
  2. Install all the dependencies listed below
  3. Set paths in:
    • pipeline.py => Set first 2 "System-Defined Variables"; Rest will be automatically set
    • PostProcessing/scripts/postanalysis/genedesign.py => Set pathToPipeline="path/To/pipeline"
    • website/seqval.py => Set pathToPipeline="path/To/pipeline" in function run_pipeline()
  4. Add JBEI SMB credentials to:
    • MiSeqServerData.py => Everywhere there is the word secret
    • website/seqval.py => Everywhere there is the word secret
  5. Run it!

Website interface

The website wil automatically be active at To get the website interface running, run:

python seqval.py

Command line

Pipeline.py is a Python 3 script, so call it with Python 3

python3 pipeline.py -m <Main Library name> -s <Sub Library Names> -r <Reference sequence name> -e <Email address> -l <Path to logfile.txt> -n <Boolean, to use NERSC Version of tools>
  • -m Main Library Name
    • Name of Folder on MiSeq where this run is stored
    • Example: -m 141212_M03257_0002_000000000-AC28N
  • -s Sub Library Names
    • Space separated list of sample IDs that we want validated. These must be located in the Main Library folder
    • Example: -s WT_1 WT_2 WT_3 32_1
  • -r Reference Sequences Names
    • Space separated list of reference sequence names
    • Example: -r references1 references2
  • -e Email Address
    • Pipeline will send email to this address when Pipeline is finished
    • Example: -e email@lbl.gov
  • -l Path to logfile.txt
    • Path to where a Log File will be written after Pipeline is finished, detailing execution information
    • Example: -l /Users/synbio/sequencevalidation/logs
  • -n Boolean flag for using NERSC version of tools
    • If set, use the (older) NERSC Versions of the BWA, Samtools, and Picard tools
    • Example: -n


  • Tools Folder (included with repo)

    • GATK - 3.4-46
    • BWA - 0.7.12
    • Picard - 1.134
    • Samtools - 1.12
    • FastQC - 0.11.3
    • DNAssemble - Perl Module
    • BioDesign - Perl Module
  • Perl modules (Perl 5.18)

    • Modern::Perl
      • sudo cpan install Modern::Perl
    • Getup::Long
      • sudo cpan install Getup::Long
    • Data::Alias
      • sudo cpan install Data::Alias
    • Filename::Basename
      • sudo cpan install Filename::Basename
    • Pod::Usage
      • sudo cpan install Pod::Usage
    • List::MoreUtils
      • sudo cpan install List::MoreUtils
    • YAML::Syck
      • sudo cpan install YAML::Syck
    • Log::Log4perl
      • sudo cpan install Log::Log4perl
    • File::NFSLock
      • sudo cpan install File::NFSLock
  • Python

    • lxml
      • pip install lxml
    • scipy
      • pip install scipy
    • numpy
      • pip install numpy
    • openpyxl
      • pip install openpyxl
    • biopython
      • pip install biopython
    • pysmb
      • pip3 install pysmb
    • flask (Only needed for Website)
      • pip install flask

Note: Everything listed with just pip is installed for Python 2.7, since PostProcessing's scripts and Flask depend on Python 2.7.

  • Other OS packages:
    • zlib
      • sudo apt-get install zlib
    • curses
      • sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
    • pigz
      • sudo apt-get install pigz
    • Java Runtime Environment
      • sudo apt-get install default-jre

The process:

  1. Take MiSeq files from the SMB server
  2. Create .bam files
  3. Use GATK to generate coverage depth, .vcf, .bed, and call_summary.txt
  4. Make calls and generate summary: IGV.xml, Excel, and HTML

Special thanks to Ernst, Joel, and Oge!

See Presentation/Presentation.pptx for more!