Homework rules

  • Each task should be placed in a student's own folder with a proper naming system, like "Tasks/Smith/TaskN/taskN.py". Tasks that require multiple files should be named according to the task's specifications.
  • Each newly uploaded task will be assigned a score of 100 points.
  • Any solution that is deemed to be good will be accepted, but mistakes will be highlighted during the review process. If the solution is completely wrong or misses key points of the task, the score may be slightly decreased or changes may be requested.
  • The score may be increased by 5 points for every concept not covered in class that is used in the program, if it contributes to the logic of the program.
  • It is possible to exceed 100 points for a task and any surplus points will go into a personal account for the student, which can be used to enhance any task score (but not a score for the final project or the final grade itself).
  • Tasks can be reworked and re-submitted for evaluation at any time.