Homework rules

  1. All tasks should be placed in a student's own folder under a proper cataloging system, like

There will be cases when a task should be implemented in a several files, they should be named accordingly to the task's specifications.

  1. A 100 point score is assigned to each newly uploaded task.
  2. The score could be decreased according to the following list of sins:
  • commiting directly in the main branch will result in a 10 points penalty;
  • using any non-alphanumeric symbols except for the / or _ or - in a name of a branch will result in a 10 points penalty
  • naming a file/branch in russion will result in a 30 points penalty;
  • using a russion word in a file will result in a 2 points penalty for each usage;
  • a missing part of a task will result in a 20 (or more) points penalty depending on the size of the part;
  • a logical mistake will result in a 15 points penalty;
  • a structural mistake will result in a 20 points penalty;
  • a break of a convention will result in a 5 points penalty;
  • a non-optimal logic of any part of a solution will result in a 5 points penalty;
  • a controversial or unwise choice will result in a 1 points penalty;
  1. The score can be increased for every usage of the concept that was not mentioned on our lessons at the moment. Each usage will result in a 5 point increase if said usage contributes to the logic of a program.
  2. Considering the previous point, it's possible to go over a 100 points score. Every surplus points will go to a personal accout of the student with possibility to enhance any score for any task with the account's points (but not a score for the final project or the final grade itself).
  3. Any task could be reworked and proposed for re-evaluation at any time.